Individuals and businesses that want to avoid accidents involving electrical shocks and burns are advised to have their electrical equipment periodically tested by test tag specialists. By resorting to the professional services of a test and tagging expert, persons can significantly reduce or eliminate altogether damages and fatalities associated with faulty cords.


Individuals and businesses that want to avoid accidents involving electrical shocks and burns are advised to have their electrical equipment periodically tested by test tag specialists. By resorting to the professional services of a test and tagging expert, persons can significantly reduce or eliminate altogether damages and fatalities associated with faulty cords.


Electrical accidents often occur because safety procedures are not observed, even though employers and employees are bound by law to have their electrical equipment verified by test and tagging specialists at periodical intervals. Consequently, we witness all kinds of electrical accidents which often lead to all sorts of injuries and in the most unfortunate cases, even to death. As for the most common medical conditions caused by electrical accidents, we should mention skin injuries and burns, heart problems, head injuries and fractures, respiratory arrest. Anyhow, the main point is that electrical injuries and the fatalities associated with it could be avoided by implementing a test tag solution compliant with the legislation in the field.


Research studies have shown that most electrical accidents occur at the workplace, being usually triggered by a faulty cord, a burned fuse, a damaged socket; employers that care about their employees’ safety and wellbeing and that want to make sure that they are not in danger when at work can do this by contracting a specialist in test and tagging solutions who will undertake all the necessary test tag tasks and will perform all the required inspections and examinations of the electrical equipment used. As for how to find a test and tagging expert that will provide them with cost-effective and professional test tag services, employers are advised to study the offer of several providers of such services and to opt for one with extensive experience in electrical equipmenttest and tagging.


The electrical equipment that needs to be inspected regularly includes a wide range of electrical appliances, such as portable, handheld and stationary appliances, cords and outlets, flexible cords, battery chargers, switchboards, portable and mobile heavy duty tools, transformers etc. As far as the frequency of test tag operations is concerned, it is worth mentioning that this depends on the type of electrical equipment used and on its degree of risk. For instance, commercial cleaning equipment must be tested and tagged every 6 months, whereas equipment in hostile environment must be subjected to test and tagging procedures every 12 months.


The test tag specialist provides in-service inspection of all the electrical equipment at the workplace with a view to detecting obvious damages, wear or other conditions that may render the electrical equipment unsafe. Most damages can be detected by visual inspection and with the help of physical checks. There are, of course, cases when the test tag specialist must perform more complex tests in order to verify earthing continuity, insulation resistance, leaking current etc., but these are operations that all experienced and capable specialists should know how to perform. All in all, complying with the applicable test and tagging legislation may help employers adequately protect the safety of their employees and assets. 

If you are looking for a skilled and experienced test tag specialist, you have come to the right place! Resort to our test and tagging solutions now and we guarantee that you will be extremely pleased with our prompt and professional services!