Grapholite is the first in world full-featured diagramming solution with the native apps for all mobile platforms: Windows 8, Android, Windows Phone and iOS.
Grapholite is the first in world full-featured diagramming solution with the native apps for all mobile platforms: Windows 8, Android, Windows Phone and iOS.
Business graphics and diagram editors are traditionally one of the most demanded productivity apps for business and education. That is why there are tens of such solutions in the App Store. But all these applications are designed for one or rarely for two platforms. If you need to work with the documents on different devices or you need to collaborate with the colleagues who prefer operating on other mobile platforms the choice becomes much harder.
Diagrams are the documents with complex structure. There is no unified exchange standard for such documents until now. Import and export operations between different formats inevitably result in errors and corruptions. It’s practically impossible to arrange the two-way exchange of such files between the apps with incompatible formats.
“With Grapholite users are able to work with the native app on every platform: iOS, Windows 8, Android and Windows Phone. This is a unique ability to operate with graphic documents on different devices in a single format without the need to convert them with the fatal loss of data”, states Eugene Akinshin lead of Grapholite development.
Unlike the other graphical editors for tablets that offer just part of the features the “big brother” apps have, Grapholite is not the lite version of the desktop app; it’s the real thing, the true state-of-the-art diagramming editor with all features of the up-to-date solutions for the creation of business graphics.
Grapholite is able to create all types business diagrams such as flow charts, floor plans, network layouts, ui mockups, uml diagrams, mind maps, organizational charts, venn charts, bpmn diagrams, office layouts, web-site structures and wireframes, technical drawings. The app is equally helpful for students and teachers, enthusiasts and corporate users. The latter will really value complete support for business process modelling notations including BPMN 1.2 and BPMN 2.0 standards.
“We had rich experience of development for Windows 8 and Android tablets and were able to deliver a really professional Visio-like yet convenient diagramming tool to users who prefer to use mobile devices. Offering the true cross-platform diagramming solution is the next step in making user experience on different mobile devices more comfortable”, continues Eugene Akinshin.
With Grapholite users are able to design even the most complex diagrams with a couple of taps. The app provides an extensive library of pre-set stencils which are not just shapes, but smart objects with plenty of properties setting up their appearance and behavior. An intellectual algorithm of connector layout helps making automatic connections between the diagram elements as neatly as possible: minimum intersections and turnings, no merger of parallel lines, bending of diagram items.
Grapholite Diagrams for iPad is a really powerful diagramming tool which makes it extremely easy to create any diagram type, have them look really professional and share the created business graphics to any mobile platform without any corruptions at all.
Become more productive, really mobile and universal with the cross-platform Grapholite solution!
Price and availability
Grapholite can be installed from the App Store free of charge. Extra options are available inside the app via in-app purchases.
Product page:
App Store page:
Aphalina is a vendor of the full-featured solutions for the creation of flowcharts and diagrams for web, desktop and mobile platforms. Eugene Akinshin, a lead of the mobile development at Aphalina, believes that simple and affordable tool for diagramming makes the work of business more efficient. The company’s apps are recognized by the industry experts and users all over the world.
Evgeny Akinshin
[email protected]
+7 913 217 63 41