Lean comes from the concept of six sigma and hence, the concept of a lean master black belt is also there. The role of a lean MBB is similar to the role of a six sigma black belt. To put the role in one word, a lean MBB acts as the change agent for an organization. However, one needs to be certified to be able to take up this role and certification requires that they carry specific number of years of job experience. There are companies that have their employees go through lean MBB certification.
Lean comes from the concept of six sigma and hence, the concept of a lean master black belt is also there. The role of a lean MBB is similar to the role of a six sigma black belt. To put the role in one word, a lean MBB acts as the change agent for an organization. However, one needs to be certified to be able to take up this role and certification requires that they carry specific number of years of job experience. There are companies that have their employees go through lean MBB certification. But there are also other companies that outsource the work to lean six sigma consulting organizations.
Many companies take up lean six sigma projects when they want improvements in their existing processes. Lean is based on six sigma with a slight twist to it. The whole lean model is based on identifying what value customers want and giving them that value by eliminating wastes. Toyota successfully employed this model and became the largest auto manufacturing company in the world. Today the lean model followed by Toyota is followed all over the world and many companies in the West have successfully employed it.
In lean six sigma profit is calculated as sales price less cost. As is evident cost reduction has a big role to play in increasing profits. This is usually done in a calculated and gradual manner while keeping the customer value proposition in mind. There is that one value proposition that companies need to identify, a value for which the customers will be willing to pay for. So while working on the strengths and eliminating waste the whole project takes shape until the company reaches the perfect stage for a particular process.
The entire project is managed by a lean master black belt. The lean MBB is someone that follows the steps and gets them coming together to offer customer value proposition. The whole mega lean project is managed end to end by the lean master black belt from the strategic point of view.
The other option, as mentioned above, is to opt for a lean six sigma consulting expert. When you hire an expert you as the client needs to tell them what you want to achieve. Through their expertise and experience the consultant will identify that value that your customers want. They will also identify the processes and steps that will make the organization work toward that value. Needless to say all the wastes will also be eliminated so that time and money can be saved.
Lean six sigma plays such an important role in modern organizations that consultants have come up from everywhere. Like in any other industry the client has to keep in mind that they will get the best value depending on how rigorously they choose their lean six sigma consulting expert.
So, the option is all yours – you can have a lean master black belt in your organization or you can opt for lean six sigma consulting. You need to see what will add more value.
A lean master black belt http://www.6sigma.us/minitab-training.php manages lean projects. The other option is to hire a <a href="http://www.6sigma.us/six-sigma-master-black-belt-certification.php">lean six sigma consulting</a> expert.