Mobile phones nowadays are unlike the ones we have seen in the 90s and the early aught. Nowadays, smart phones carry new functionalities that use internet connections. In the US, we are used to buying postpaid plans that are incredibly convenient since we can manage how we use our phone and pay the bill later. However, when we travel, those same things that we do are sometimes doubled or tripled in cost since distance issues require special technology to have high fidelity signals. That is why using a USA prepaid sim has become so important.

Mobile phones nowadays are unlike the ones we have seen in the 90s and the early aught. Nowadays, smart phones carry new functionalities that use internet connections. In the US, we are used to buying postpaid plans that are incredibly convenient since we can manage how we use our phone and pay the bill later. However, when we travel, those same things that we do are sometimes doubled or tripled in cost since distance issues require special technology to have high fidelity signals. That is why using a USA prepaid sim has become so important. Let us look at some things that can benefit with the use of these prepaid USA sim card.


SMS messages or MMS

Sending a message via SMS from another country can be very expensive and this means we have to spend a big chunk of money at all times. If you need to send an SMS, it might be necessary to maximize the allowable space for your messages. This is to ensure that each message is rich in information. With regards to MMS, you spend on data plan to deliver that image or other media that you wish to send. Sometimes, it is more ideal to send them via email or share via social networks.

Nevertheless, you can use your USA sim card to send messages.



Calling somebody using the phone is the quintessential reason for having one and this is one of the reasons why getting a USA prepaid sim is necessary. If you really want to save money, you have to optimize each call that you make. What does this mean? You have to make sure that all calls you make will include all things that you have to say. Inform your client that you will use other means of communication at the moment or tell the person you calling that you have to finish everything that you have to say before other things. Make sure that unnecessary calls are avoided so that you can get the most use out of your USA Sim card.



Surfing the web, downloading websites, videos or images required money and this means you have to have a lot on your prepaid USA sim card if you want to use that function. It is ideal that you use the phone only to do things such as sending emails or retrieving important documents. If you need to watch a video or check images, it is ideal to go in a Wi Fi zone and change settings. This can help you maximize the use of your USA sim card. Do not stream videos since they eat up a lot of money through your phone and you might not be satisfied with the quality.



A lot of apps out there use internet to share photos or statuses online. While it seems cool and fun, it still requires credits and if you want to save money on your USA Sim card, you should reduce the use of phones as your camera. If you have to upload images, stick to your Wi Fi connection or simply connect to the laptop.


Invest well on communication and use a prepaid USA sim card . We offer a wide range of USA prepaid sim  options and credits in various denominations. Please call us and find out more how we can help you.