PDF split is often required when users wish to share certain amount of data from their PDF files instead of the entire file. Kernel for PDF split and merge is a comprehensive tool that can help users with the process of PDF split in a simple and hassle free manner. Although PDF files can be easily compressed, sharing large sized documents can be cumbersome for both the sender and the receiver. Hence, to be specific with the amount of data that has to be shared, the split PDF tool can be used.

PDF split is often required when users wish to share certain amount of data from their PDF files instead of the entire file. Kernel for PDF split and merge is a comprehensive tool that can help users with the process of PDF split in a simple and hassle free manner. Although PDF files can be easily compressed, sharing large sized documents can be cumbersome for both the sender and the receiver. Hence, to be specific with the amount of data that has to be shared, the split PDF tool can be used.
Using Kernel for PDF Split and Merge utility, users have the control over the way they want to split their PDF files. By splitting a large file, they can distribute data to into the newly created files for better organizations. Splitting of the PDF file can be done on the basis of five different parameters which are mentioned as follows:

Split by Number of Pages
Split by Page Range
Split by Size (KB)
Split by Even Pages
Split by Odd Pages

PDF split on the basis of the above criteria help users to divide contents of a large PDF file into small sized PDF files. Division of content helps in accessing and sharing of data without the need of looking up into bulky files. Kernel for PDF Split and Merge provides complete information about the location of the original PDF file; locations of newly created PDF files, number of files created after PDF split and file names of the split PDF files. Furthermore, being a standalone utility, installation of Adobe Acrobat in the system is not a pre-requisite for splitting the PDF files.

For details about the important features, functionalities and other capabilities of this software, visit www.pdfsplit.net

Key features:

Independent or stand-alone software utility
Splits and Merges PDF files
Provides ease in managing PDF files
Offers quick and efficient access to PDF files
Split PDF files on the basis of five different parameters
Self explanatory and attractive GUI
Supports all versions of Adobe Acrobat Reader

Before buying the full version of the software, users can try the free evaluation version of Kernel for PDF split and merge. The free version will allow users to split a large sized PDF file, however a text stamp reading “Kernel for PDF Split and Merge Demo” will be displayed in red on every page of the newly created files. To counter this limitation, full version of the software has to be purchased.

About the company:

Kernel Data Recovery is a well-known firm dealing varied range of data recovery solutions for both enterprise and home users. The company started its services in the year 2004; Kernel Data Recovery has since released many best-selling data recovery tools along with a growth rate of 200 percent annually for the same period. To get a detailed view about the software functionality, feel free to visit www.pdfsplit.net