One bright light in our less than brilliant economy is the unprecedented growth in the LED technology sector. Green Lantern Industries, a leader in commercial LED lighting, reports an astonishing 108% market growth in 2010 fueled by the adoption of LED backlighting technology in flat screen TVs. This surge in manufacturing capacity has resulted in unforeseen benefits to the LED lighting market. Green Lantern reports that this capacity scale-up has put strong downward pressure in prices resulting in lowered costs for commercial lighting projects.
One bright light in our less than brilliant economy is the unprecedented growth in the LED technology sector. Green Lantern Industries, a leader in commercial LED lighting, reports an astonishing 108% market growth in 2010 fueled by the adoption of LED backlighting technology in flat screen TVs. This surge in manufacturing capacity has resulted in unforeseen benefits to the LED lighting market. Green Lantern reports that this capacity scale-up has put strong downward pressure in prices resulting in lowered costs for commercial lighting projects. Because of this ramped-up, high-volume production, manufacturers of both conventional LED equipment suppliers and suppliers from the silicon semiconductor industry are developing new machinery and manufacturing techniques to move to larger capacity lamps, more efficient automation, and improved yield.
Because of these developments, Green Lantern believes that LED lighting has moved into a new phase of market acceptance and implementation. Alexis Smagula, the co-founder of Green Lantern Industries, believes today’s LEDs represent a sea-change in lighting technology. “Early in their development”, Ms. Smagula remarked, “I recognized the potential of this new technology but aesthetically I knew that they still had to cover some important ground. The LED fixtures we helped develop and now sell meet every expectation in terms of light quality, the beauty of their design, and their ease of installation”. Green Lantern believes this heralds a “win-win” scenario in terms of energy efficiency, initial cost, and ease of installation. Why not replace costly and obsolete lighting with energy efficient and eco-friendly LED technology and enjoy the best lighting in the world.