If you are somebody who travels a lot, you will agree that calling home can be very costly. It is not a good idea to carry a sim card abroad because, roaming costs of mobile phones are really high. There is some great news for all those who need to keep in touch with their homes while traveling abroad. 0044.co.uk has now introduced an international sim card that aims to slash the prices of calling home drastically.

If you are somebody who travels a lot, you will agree that calling home can be very costly. It is not a good idea to carry a sim card abroad because, roaming costs of mobile phones are really high. There is some great news for all those who need to keep in touch with their homes while traveling abroad. 0044.co.uk has now introduced an international sim card that aims to slash the prices of calling home drastically.

This sim card gives you a +44 7 O2 UK number. Incoming calls in this unique sim card are free in more than sixty destinations worldwide. This means that friends and family can call you up for free. Just let them know a convenient time when you can receive calls. They can then call up, and it won’t cost you anything. It works in more than one hundred and thirty destinations. Outgoing call rates are low. Calls back to the UK start at a mere 30 pennies per minute. With this card, if you are traveling, you need not have to worry anymore about how much it is going to cost you.

Those who travel a lot realize how important it is to stay connected. It does not matter whether the person is traveling on business or as a tourist. Those on business will probably need to call up their office back home several times a day. Those who are tourists will also need to call home once in a while to find out whether everything is fine. This is particularly true if a person is away from home for a while. Most people agree that making international calls from abroad costs a lot of money and this is where this international sim card can help.

0044.co.uk has already sold thousands of these cards. This international sim card has received positive feedback too. It is reliable and cost effective. This is the reason why many people have tried this card. Just give it a try the next time you travel abroad. You will love the savings it offers.

It makes perfect sense to save money with this global sim card. With the price of fuel going up, and the economy not doing too well, it is certainly a good idea to save money whenever you can. This sim card gives you this opportunity. There’s no point in carrying your own sim card anymore when you are traveling. You will end up losing money because of the high global roaming charges. Roaming charges depend on the country that you are visiting and the charges that you may have to pay could be exceptionally steep. The best option is to select this international sim card and save money.

About 0044.co.uk: 0044.co.uk is a site dedicated to help people save money on their international calls from abroad. This company has launched an international sim card that works in more than one hundred and thirty destinations. Incoming calls are free. Outgoing calls cost very less. Please visit www.0044.co.uk/international-sim-card.htm for more information.


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