Awesomegig is pleased to announce that it is now offering Freelance Job opportunities for a variety of skill sets. The site offers a unique program for those who are looking for online work and for those who are looking for online professionals to perform work. The site is open to the public and free to browse.

Awesomegig is pleased to announce that it is now offering Freelance Job opportunities for a variety of skill sets. The site offers a unique program for those who are looking for online work and for those who are looking for online professionals to perform work. The site is open to the public and free to browse.

It is common knowledge that many people are currently out of work. The employment outlook remains somewhat bleak for millions of people nationwide. It is also common knowledge that companies often need specific services performed in areas such as writing, marketing and graphic design. These companies are also feeling the pinch and are therefore looking for the best deals. brings these two together.

At the site, buyers and sellers can come together in a unique and very affordable manner. Those who have skills can list those skills as well a list a price for their work. The site is unique in that prices are listed as five, ten, fifteen, twenty or twenty-five dollars. No service is higher than twenty-five dollars. This allows buyers to get the services that they need at very low rates.

For those who sell services and are looking for a freelance job, the site offers a central location where they can list their skills and no have to worry about the back office tasks such as payments and web hosting. This is a great opportunity for those who want a freelance web design job or a freelance writer job.

Buyers will find that many of the most important tasks that they need are offered at the site. This includes writing articles, Squiddo lens, hub page writing, blog posts, logo creation, video creation, and many others. For those who wish to branch into the social market area, professionals are available to handle those tasks as well, including site promotion services.

One of the major benefits that buyers appreciate with this site is that it saves them a lot of time. For instance, while creating a stunning a logo may take a professional less than an hour, the average Joe might have to spend days working on that same project simply because they do not the knowledge base and would have to first learn how to do the job. The same can be said on virtually all of the services that are offered at this site. They save business owners time…and a lot of money. offers protection to both buyers and sellers as well. Full details of how payments are made and disbursed are available at the site. The site, in essence, acts as a clearing house between the parties and handles the tasks often associated with the back office such as billing, advertising and customer service. Buyers and sellers communicate with each other through the site's internal messaging system. This is also how finished services are delivered to clients, again, protecting both parties from fraud and disappointment.

A visit to the site will reveal all of the details concerning this truly unique method of hooking up buyers and sellers for online marketing services. Sellers get an easy way to promote their skills, and buyers can rock bottom prices on the important services that they need to grow and succeed with their businesses.

Browse through to post your Freelance Job in the categories of outsource writing, social marketing, and many more. Discover more about the awesome Outsource Services available like web design outsource, advertising outsource, and many more at the site.