The processing of blanks in laser quality with plasticity  degrees of up to 80% inside the material to be leveled and a high relief of stresses for further processes represented the challenges  to be mastered by Heinrich Georg GmbH Maschinenfabrik for Tata Steel Service Centre UK. Together with its daughter company Heinrich Georg UK Ltd GEORG finishing lines developed a new high performance leveler for hot-rolled steel  blanks with an extremely rigid machine frame for the required high plasticity  degrees.

The processing of blanks in laser quality with plasticity  degrees of up to 80% inside the material to be leveled and a high relief of stresses for further processes represented the challenges  to be mastered by Heinrich Georg GmbH Maschinenfabrik for Tata Steel Service Centre UK. Together with its daughter company Heinrich Georg UK Ltd GEORG finishing lines developed a new high performance leveler for hot-rolled steel  blanks with an extremely rigid machine frame for the required high plasticity  degrees. The maximum bending of the entire machine frame under highest load is  0,2mm. Thus GEORG ensures optimum leveling  values in laser-quality for a sustainable blank production.

“Unfortunately we run into problems with our previous leveler. Due to the still remaining residual stresses the blanks could not be used for the subsequent laser-welding process. Deliveries were rejected by our customers.  With the new leveler made by GEORG we could overcome such problems and increase the quality considerably” explains Mark Davenport, General  Manager Tata Steel Service Centre UK.
Integrated problem solver for the cut-to-length line
Thanks to the intelligent GEORG technology steel strips  with thicknesses between 3 – 6 mm and tensile strengths of up to 600 N/mm² and  strip widths of 1.000 – 2.000 mm can be cut  precisely. A leveling grade of laser quality has been achieved. That means the blanks are almost free from stresses.

“Our engineers succeeded to meet our customer’s demand 100% by using latest finite element methods (FEM).  The frame construction was optimized in detail and the entire line itself was designed in a way to cope with future demands too” explains Antonio Garcia, managing director GEORG finishing lines.
After completion an experienced  service team of GEORG UK took over the replacement job and integrated the new leveler into the existing cut-to-length line.  “Due to the existing and limiting space condition this represented another challenge which our specialists mastered within the given time frame. After only 2 training days the first sellable blanks could be produced” explains Antonio Garcia.
In order to reach maximum flexibility the leveler was built in the proven GEORG cassette-type design with semi-automatic exchange as per customer’s requirements. With the overall technical view for the best result this new investment will ensure the production success at Tata Steel Service Center UK.

More information:

Founded in 1948, Heinrich Georg GmbH Maschinenfabrik, is a renowned worldwide partner for advanced and superior mechanical engineering solutions. Our state of the art finishing lines and special machine tools, as well as our superior production systems, machines and equipment for the transformer production industry are used worldwide by leading companies. In its mechanical manufacturing GEORG combines cutting edge science with modern technology for precise dimensional accuracy in all its work pieces.

Over 400 staff members are the driving force behind GEORG‘s pioneering spirit which empowers the company to make progress happen and to create lasting values. Our openness helps us in winning the trust needed for lasting partnerships. GEORG sets great store by knowing where its customers come from and where they are heading for.
As a globally thinking medium sized company, GEORG is preparing for the future. Internationally our subsidiary companies and numerous representative offices guarantee optimum advice and service whereever you are. For your technical head start and our common success.


Press contact:
Heinrich Georg GmbH
Siegener Straße 73-83
57223 Kreuztal

Stefan Köhler
T. 02 71 . 77 00 16 – 16
F. 02 71 . 77 00 16 – 29
[email protected]