Capture images for outdoor Sports or other miscellaneous activities
For fast outdoor activities like motor sports, snowboarding, surfing, snorkeling, skiing and or any other outdoor activity- HD Action Camera, Australia from the GoPro Hd Hero2 ranges of outdoor camera, brings more advantages to a tough outdoor image shooting experience.
Premium Accessories the camera comes with
Capture images for outdoor Sports or other miscellaneous activities
For fast outdoor activities like motor sports, snowboarding, surfing, snorkeling, skiing and or any other outdoor activity- HD Action Camera, Australia from the GoPro Hd Hero2 ranges of outdoor camera, brings more advantages to a tough outdoor image shooting experience.
Premium Accessories the camera comes with
The HD Action Camera has a line of HD 2 Hero Professional, HD Hero Original cameras. The camera accessorizes in premium, mounting and other miscellaneous accessories with uncounted features.
The camera comes with premium accessories of LCD BacPac, Battery BacPac, Wi-Fi BacPac + Wi-Fi Remote Combo kit, 3D Hero system, Drive Housing which help in keeping the camera fit, user friendly for a long time and tackle difficult situations.
Features that make the camera unique under individual classification.
The camera categorizes in three different classifications according to work and utility- the HD Hero2 Motorsport edition, HD Hero2 Outdoor edition and HD HeroSurf edition.
Each of the models are compatible for the latest, fastest and broad spectrum of capturing individual sporting as well as other related activities.
The HD Hero2- Surf Edition:
“The HD HERO2: Surf Edition is compatible with all GoPro expansion accessories and BacPacs, including the Wi-Fi BacPac and Wi-Fi Remote”, declares the website that offers to deliver these cameras to the door step of the friend, lover, and individual the buyer wishes to.
The camera could be used by surfers, enthusiastic surf filmmakers, or any water loving enthusiast. There are 2 adhesive surfboard mounts and an FCS compatible mount. The FCS compatible mount makes it easy to plug the GoPro camerainto the deck of the surfboard like an FCS fin.
Features of HD Action Camera Surf board:
The camera is both wearable and surfboard mountable. The individual has the dual benefit of shooting an experience keeping him/her within the image or just imaging the show backstage. With 170° wide, 127° medium and 60° narrow angled FOV- this camera promises to capture the best of images world can imagine today.