When it comes to safe & optimized transmission of data then nothing can match the ability of a PDF format. There are manifold options in this format which ensure enhanced portability, enrichment of graphics and compression of the data. Many employers consider PDF as a good option for generating various statistical reports. The only thing which is lagging from Adobe format is a PDF merger splitter utility. Because of this lag a user cannot make the changes in a compiled PDF report. The Kernel for PDF Split and Merge has been made for overcoming such lags.
When it comes to safe & optimized transmission of data then nothing can match the ability of a PDF format. There are manifold options in this format which ensure enhanced portability, enrichment of graphics and compression of the data. Many employers consider PDF as a good option for generating various statistical reports. The only thing which is lagging from Adobe format is a PDF merger splitter utility. Because of this lag a user cannot make the changes in a compiled PDF report. The Kernel for PDF Split and Merge has been made for overcoming such lags.
With the help of this tool one can split large document into small chunks and unite several documents into one single set. The basic philosophy of this tool is to make the PDF documents manageable and transferrable. On its apprehensible interface the split & merge operations can be executed in just few minutes time.
Why we need a PDF merger splitter?
For reorganizing the page order of a compiled PDF file which otherwise is not possible. The tool would help in shuffling the pages, adding more information, removing the pages, making separate reports or deriving the content, etc. A user can also save a lot of time by recompiling the reports with this tool besides working on them again & again.
The MAC from Apple anticipated such user requirements so it has facilitated a tool called Preview. But there is no such provision in Windows based systems. The Windows users can refer the Kernel for PDF Split & Merge which has been certified by many institutions.
While keeping the data integrity intact a user can change the structure of his PDF content as per his need. It is an independent utility which doesn’t require Adobe format for altering the PDF files.
Key Features:
Doesn’t required Adobe installed on the system for managing split & merge operations.
Helps in optimizing the PDF content.
A time & cost effective PDF split & merge solution.
Provides options like Split by Page, by Page Range, by Size (KB), etc.
It works with MS Windows 9X, MS Windows ME, MS Windows NT, MS Windows 2000, MS Windows 2003, MS Windows XP, Windows 7 and MS Windows Vista. Free download demo version here www.pdfmergersplitter.net
About the Company
This advanced PDF merger splitter has been developed by one of the leading IT firms. Incepted in the year 2004, this company has constantly followed international quality standards and is committed to offer best solutions over corrupted or inaccessible files. The Company has constantly introduced a varied range of data recovery solutions that won accolades by many other leading organizations. If you are looking forward to know more about the software the company, then just visit: www.pdfmergersplitter.net