Although there are many different teachers of a variety of things, you are encouraged to discover Sergei Shushunov Teachings, and his innovative and beautiful take on spirituality, life and death. You can learn more about how humans evolved, and take more of life than simple physical collections, but that the spiritual life we lead cannot be measured with technology. This may prove that the spirit is immaterial, and Sergei Shushunov pushes this idea to its limits, because spirituality separates humans from other living creatures throughout the living world, whether plant or animal.

Although there are many different teachers of a variety of things, you are encouraged to discover Sergei Shushunov Teachings, and his innovative and beautiful take on spirituality, life and death. You can learn more about how humans evolved, and take more of life than simple physical collections, but that the spiritual life we lead cannot be measured with technology. This may prove that the spirit is immaterial, and Sergei Shushunov pushes this idea to its limits, because spirituality separates humans from other living creatures throughout the living world, whether plant or animal.

Sergei also proposes that spirituality does not necessarily mean personal betterment, that is simply a form of existence that makes humans complete. This is extremely innovative and thought provoking, because his belief that humans are born spiritually empty requires spiritual growth both physically and mentally. This is innovative and beautiful, and requires energy, thought and may even bring upon some, disdain at these teachings.

Sergei Shushunov teachings show us that humans understand death, even at a young age, whereas others simply do not want to admit to it. People die and leave nothing behind them, except a few memories. Physical death occurs long before spiritual death in some, with some young people ready to let go of their lives, while old people are not ready, yet that claimed in any way.

Sergei shows us that leftovers the ritual energy converge together, and anyone can tap into that spirit will pool of energy, through meditation, and prayer, and that those that choose to end their lives by suicide leave nothing behind except pain and misfortune. Sergei Shushunov teachings also speak of spiritless existences of humans, which is known as a persistent vegetative state. Individuals in this state do not have a spirit; they simply have a physical life, often dissociative.

It has created a series of violence becomes essential part of human existence, because without it there would be no saints and prophets, there would be no higher people or other remarkable individuals in the world, that everyone looks up to and admires. It doesn't end there though, because Sergei continues on with his retirement plan, and with some injected humor, takes a look at how he could lead a spectacular life in Panama, if only you hundred million dollars. Although this sounds funny to many, his retirement plan, along with his teachings are very close to home for many people, regardless of where you come from.

Sergei Shushunov teachings are more than just life, death and spirituality, it is truly a sardonic take on life itself, with a bit of pizzazz added to old and new teachings of the world has known for centuries. You are encouraged to discover these teachings for yourself, because for the first time, in a very long time, Sergei Shushunov takes his teachings to a level of understanding that everyone can appreciate, with is injected humor, but sound and solid movement in the roots of life itself. To learn more about Sergei Shushunov and his teachings, you are encouraged to visit his website at, and experience your own spiritual enlightenment.