There are subtle roars in the virtual world, the echoes of which sometimes are limited to the web. One such ongoing roar is the mad rush behind web portfolios that is driving crazy a host of professionals and aspiring entrepreneurs. While the good old portfolio is not going invisible anytime soon, it is the graphic designers portfolio that is sending portfolio enthusiasts into a mad frenzy. Whatever may the occupation of people be, a portfolio is become a must in the current age of brow-beating competition.
There are subtle roars in the virtual world, the echoes of which sometimes are limited to the web. One such ongoing roar is the mad rush behind web portfolios that is driving crazy a host of professionals and aspiring entrepreneurs. While the good old portfolio is not going invisible anytime soon, it is the graphic designers portfolio that is sending portfolio enthusiasts into a mad frenzy. Whatever may the occupation of people be, a portfolio is become a must in the current age of brow-beating competition.
Among the myriads of professions where online portfolios are commanding the status of a quasi necessity, one profession where it becomes indispensable is photography. Not only is photography an art where visual representation buys a considerable share of the cake for the artist, but it is also an occupation where one needs to stand out from the crowd of people roving with cameras. Here is an exploring into the possibilities that arise while creating an online photography portfolio.
Photography: the art that dabbles around the science of transience
If all would be permanent, there would not be a stark need for photography. It is an art that deals wholly in saving a part of time in pictorial form.Web portfolios in photography that fail in representation of the same can be counted to be sheer waste of time and sometimes even money. The closer the portfolio is to the above statement, better are the chances for the artist to land worthwhile offers.
Introduction to the portfolio
It is imperative that in a portfolio on photography, there will ne greater stress on the photographs as compared to the text. Advisable in such instances is to create a portfolio that talks less in words and more in images. This means that the introduction of the portfolio has to be made using images. The introduction image is often something that decides whether or not a visitor continues with the portfolio. It is thus of cardinal importance to use the image that not only forms the apt introduction to the graphic designers portfolio, but also shows what the work of the photo artist is all about.
The images that follow
The images that follow in the portfolio have to do all the talking as far as portraying the diversity of the artist is concerned. There are several things that need to be considered here; the first them being the overuse of images. It can be mentioned here that the modern day cost per photograph, which happens to be zilch has prompted photographers to click anything that reached their eyes. This is often reflected in the portfolios as well. It is however important not to fall prey to this.
Nature loves variety, so does the employer
Photography portfolios should be all about the variety of photos that the photographer can click successfully. Imperative, the photos that are to be incorporated in the portfolio should represent the variety that the artist has captured through his lenses. Care needs to be taken not to include in the web portfolios too many photos from a single shoot.
Looking for the best in web portfolios ? Create the best graphic designers portfolio with us. Visit our website for further information.