Privately owned EVA Air has a background that is an interesting read. This company has a strong financial support base which allows them to maintain private ownership. Still, that is impressive from the start because in just a few short years they secured funds for purchasing long haul aircraft. With flights to and from Taiwan, most of Asia, and even Europe, EVA is well-known in the travel industry. Cargo flights, as well as domestic flights, make up what this airline currently does and has been doing since the 1990s.

Privately owned EVA Air has a background that is an interesting read. This company has a strong financial support base which allows them to maintain private ownership. Still, that is impressive from the start because in just a few short years they secured funds for purchasing long haul aircraft. With flights to and from Taiwan, most of Asia, and even Europe, EVA is well-known in the travel industry. Cargo flights, as well as domestic flights, make up what this airline currently does and has been doing since the 1990s. EVA has accomplished much in the last couple decades which we will discuss in the remainder of this article. EVA Air has a very diverse fleet of aircraft each of which is designated according to the air routes they serve. Boeing 777 airliners, as well as the Boeing 747's are part of the fleet of EVA Air. Despite having a of aircraft to choose from, they also have the McDonnell Douglas MD-11's for backup. Passengers and cargo alike are transported to their destinations safely and without fail each and every time. In fact, most airlines have the same kind of set up combining both types of services. Freight liners are becoming a staple part of the airline industry because goods must be shipped daily. Hauling cargo is much more cost effective for an airline across-the-board. EVA, back in the 1990s, acquired several passenger flight aircraft capable of long distance once they had contracted over 20 international destinations. The popularity of this airline grew to over 3 million flights a year. They have a great safety record which is one of the primary motivations for people to fly with this company. Once they had achieved this reputation, they were able to in essence steal their competitors passengers very easily. Just a few short years later, in the late 90s, EVA was able to secure much needed certifications which allowed them to enter other service sectors. {} By the later 2000s, EVA was continuing to expand as they were regularly experiencing profitable quarters. The company began servicing destinations on the US east coast, in Newark New Jersey, during 2007. In late October of 2008, flights resumed from Taiwan to Paris after being discontinued in the previous year. There were a number of schedule and destination changes which were all part of normal agreement criteria. All of this was due to an effort to put the company in a stronger stance for continued expansion. EVA made highly aggressive moves right away to capture as much of the domestic flight services in Taiwan. Although this company is unique, it's claim to fame may also rest in its ability to have one of the best safety records. Business is improved because of the safety record and the evidence is their ever-increasing amounts of passengers. The profit margin eventually returned in their favor so they added a few of these destinations back to their itinerary.