In case you love living with nature, you will probably choose to have a wood stove to heat your home during the winter. You will help reduce environmental pollution and will help preserve earth’s resources by using renewable energy. In order to do all these it is necessary for you to install a wood stove and a chimney. Chimney Installation is also as important as the installation of your wood stove as improperly installed chimney will affect the performance of your stove. The next important thing is the cleaning of the chimney.

    In case you love living with nature, you will probably choose to have a wood stove to heat your home during the winter. You will help reduce environmental pollution and will help preserve earth’s resources by using renewable energy. In order to do all these it is necessary for you to install a wood stove and a chimney. Chimney Installation is also as important as the installation of your wood stove as improperly installed chimney will affect the performance of your stove. The next important thing is the cleaning of the chimney. In case your home is located in Michigan or Ohio for cleaning of your Chimney Doctor Flue could be called.


   Having a clean chimney is as important as proper Chimney Installation for the simple reason that your wood stove’s performance depends a lot on the cleanliness of your chimney. If it is blocked with a thick layer of soot, smoke emitting from your wood stove will leak into the house. This will fill the whole house of yours with smoke and the heat provided by the stove also will get limited as the logs will not burn properly. In order to clean this type of a Chimney Doctor Flue is there for you.


   Once your Chimney Installation is done it has to be inspected every year before the fall. When this is attended if there is soot buildup you could get it cleaned. In case you find soot buildup in your Chimney Doctor Flue will be able to help you. Their chimney sweeps will attend to your chimney and not only clean it but also will inspect it using modern equipment to find any damages. In case they find any, they will do the repairs also. When this is done your stove and the chimney will be ready for the rest of the year.


   In case you find smoke inside the house or if you get sooty smell you must suspect your Chimney Installation as these are signs of a clogged chimney that needs cleaning. Cleaning has to be done without delay as chimney fires are common occurrences. A fire in the chimney has the potential to spread all over the house. Therefore, getting your chimney cleaned is of prime importance. For cleaning your Chimney Doctor Flue is the most suitable company as they have 27 years of experience on cleaning chimneys. Besides, they have well trained and well experienced chimney sweeps.


   When you hire Doctor Flue they will be able to provide you with high quality wood stoves that have 93% efficiency. Also, they will do the installation for you. Since these wood stoves burn wood efficiently you will never get sooty smells inside the house. Also, you never need to worry about smoke from the stove entering the house provided you have your chimney clean. In case you find any problems with your wood stove you could call Doctor Flue and the “Doc” will arrive in your home clad in his traditional top hat and tails. He will also drive his 1953 Dodge Panel truck to reach you. 

If you find any problems with your   Chimney Doctor  Flue is the company to call if you live in Michigan or Ohio. They will inspect your  Chimney Installation  and will do the needful for you.