*License numbers and authorizations *Website of the company *A few references A company which cannot provide you this information is better avoided. There are various genuine moving storage services that would be happy to assist you. So the next time you need to move, do not worry about your belongings. Moving storage units are there to help! Moving to a new place is never easy. There is always a lot of planning and trouble involved in the process. Besides packing and transporting everything, there is also the hassle of finding a mini storage or self storage warehouse.

*License numbers and authorizations *Website of the company *A few references A company which cannot provide you this information is better avoided. There are various genuine moving storage services that would be happy to assist you. So the next time you need to move, do not worry about your belongings. Moving storage units are there to help! Moving to a new place is never easy. There is always a lot of planning and trouble involved in the process. Besides packing and transporting everything, there is also the hassle of finding a mini storage or self storage warehouse. However, there are some moving storage companies that provide both moving and storage services to people. This is mainly because of their expertise and training in dealing with these kinds of goods. They are specialized in loading and unloading household materials that need extra care. Are My Goods Insured? You should always insure your belongings when moving, irrespective of whether you are using a moving storage company or not. You can get one either from these companies or from your existing insurance provider. The insurance plans vary from place to place. It is advisable that you check with as many providers as possible. With proper and professional assistance while moving, you will not only ensure the safety of your expensive and valuable stuff but also your peace of mind. If you are moving to another area or city, you will need moving storage services for the safe shifting of your household items. Nowadays, most people cannot afford to spend a lot of time packing their entire household items and then transporting them to another location. Therefore, they depend on the services of moving and storage firms. A moving storage service reduces several hassles. It eliminates the need of packing and unpacking, loading and unloading, lifting and carrying of items from one location to another, and so forth. There Are Basically Two Types Of Moving Storage Services: 1. The first one is PODS (Portable on Demand Service). In this type of service, the company will deliver a container to your doorsteps. You can get the container a week or fortnight before the date of moving depending upon how much time you need for stacking your stuff inside it. Whenever you are ready to move out, you can call the company, which will then transport the container to its destination. This type of service allows you to pack and stack stuff according to your convenience and satisfaction. It gives you greater control on how you want to pack, how much stuff you want to keep in the container, and how you want to keep your items in the container. Moreover, you can keep the container at your new home for a few days so that you can gradually move the items out of it and keep them at the desired location. 2. The second one is packers and movers. In this type of service you have to do nothing except hiring the service provider. The moving storage company will send its personals to pack your household items, load them into truck, transport and unload them. This type of service is good for you if you are too busy to undertake all the hassles of moving and you do not mind spending some money for convenience.