There are many mainstay plants that are popular in a garden, and gardeners will go for them and then plant annuals and bulbs around them.  A mature garden will usually have many shrubs and trees that give pleasure throughout the year.


There are many mainstay plants that are popular in a garden, and gardeners will go for them and then plant annuals and bulbs around them.  A mature garden will usually have many shrubs and trees that give pleasure throughout the year.


The lavendershrub does not need a lot of fuss and bother, they simply need to be planted in a sunny well-drained location.  The plant is also grown for culinary purposes as when added it gives an unusual aroma to stews and soups.  It is also a perfect addition to potpourri, as it has a strong scent, it can simply be cut and dried to hang in the linen cupboard which will keep moths away and bed linens smelling fresh, and is also known to give people a restful sleep.


The lavender is an evergreen shrubby plant that seldom gets thirsty.  The humidity and heat of some regions won’t affect the health of the plant, it is as happy by the sea as it is on a windy hill, strong, beautiful and offering a wonderful scent it is certainly a favourite in an English garden.


The lavender plant is easy to grow and is a good companion when planted with roses, also can be visually pleasing when planted en masses in a garden bed of its own, as a shrubby and densely-growing perennial herb, it is also suitable as a hedge to line a path or drive.  All lavenders should be lightly clipped in the autumn to keep the bushes dense and growing uniformly.


Another mainstay plant is the Geraniumand scented geraniums are either grown indoors or outdoors and also require only minimal care to thrive.  The scented geraniums, also known as Pelargoniums, are perennial plants, and have aromatic leaves which are laden with special cells that produce a strong fragrance at the slightest touch.


The plant produces different scents depending on the particular variety and can range from chocolate to citrus to sweet scent of a rose; you will find that most scented geraniums are light bloomers, having said that, a few types are prized for their flowers as well as their scent.


Geraniums are at home on a sunny windowsill and grow outdoors in warm climates, if the climate is cooler, they must be dug up and brought indoors over the winter.  A lot of gardeners will grow the plants in containers to make it easier to transport indoors when temperatures drop in the autumn and winter.


Plants all need protection in winter, for example the begoniaplant should be brought indoors for the winter, and if they are growing in the ground they can be carefully transplanted into containers and brought indoors for growing throughout the winter.


A spokesman for Blooming Direct a family run nursery located on the Island of Jersey said “our blog can give plenty of advice for overwintering plants, for example digging up plants can cause stress on plants and can result in leaf drop, also before bringing begonias or any other plant indoors treat them for insect pests or powdery mildew first.  We offer a complete gardening supply and advice, our website is full of plants, annuals, perennials and much much more, we are an online gardening experience and guarantee satisfaction to all”.


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