September is a busy time in the garden. When the summer months end and the cooler air begins to set in, you will find many plants begin to die. For the new gardener, do not reproach yourself, this is nothing to do with the care you have given each and every plant, it just happens to be the natural cycle.
September is a busy time in the garden. When the summer months end and the cooler air begins to set in, you will find many plants begin to die. For the new gardener, do not reproach yourself, this is nothing to do with the care you have given each and every plant, it just happens to be the natural cycle.
This is a time to get cracking and dispose of the weeds, and dead plant matter, to pull up the moss from your lawn, and it is very important to re-sow the bare patches with garden seeds, this will give you new growth and not leave you with bare patches.
September is a tidying up month, it is the time to go through your garden and pull weeds, and then spray with weed killer. During the winter months many types of weeds con continue to grow, and by spraying a good weed killer, you can end the problem right there and then before they begin again and take hold.
Clear out dead growth on your plants, as many are not perennial plants and will not come back the following year, and if you own a greenhouse, this is the perfect time to clean it up for the winter, make sure that pots are up off the ground this will discourage nesting, as vermin will be looking for a perfect place to nest.
This time of year is when you should begin your spring planting, if you want to use garden seeds, this is the perfect time to plant seeds such as the sweet pea, either in the greenhouse or a cold frame for early summer flowers. Garden bulbs for spring bloom, such as daffodils should be planted by mid-September, also crocuses and hyacinth.
Harvesting is upon us and it is the ideal time to pick apples and blackberries, lovely in home made pies and jam, and of course continue to pick any remaining items from your vegetable plants. Lavender plants are a popular addition to any garden it is an easy herb to grow and is very rewarding too.
The lavender plant not only looks great in the garden but it has many uses in the home too. It is a delicious ingredient in sweet dishes, including biscuits, and when cut and dried can be popped in your pillowcase to aid sleep, or just simply used in dried flower arrangements to give off a wonderful scent in your home.
Deadhead roses and petunias, which grow profusely throughout the summer, but are still blooming at this time of the year, of course petunias make wonderful hanging basket plants, as they spread, and hang in a profusion of colour, gardening is such a joy, and is of course a year round occupation.
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