Health Central contributor Gigi Stewart of announces dozens of new gluten free and raw foods recipe ideas thanks to her new Blendtec blender.

Blendtec blenders are widely recognized by their outrageous YouTube videos where they blend glow sticks, iPhones and anything else a viewer might suggest. Now, Blendtec and "Gluten Free Gigi" of are helping to make dinner… and dessert.

Gluten-free living is not something that can be entered into without research and planning. Some embrace the challenge. Their diagnosis of Celiac Disease or Gluten Intolerance/Sensitivity brings relief and a sense of "I will be better!" Others find the prospect of going gluten free daunting. It can lead to feelings of loss, that something is being taken away… as if restrictions are being placed on them at every turn.

For Gigi Stewart, having to go gluten free was a challenge. “In my case, I welcomed the challenge of a gluten-free lifestyle. I baked before I realized gluten was not my friend, and I saw no other option than to bake after gluten,” says Stewart.

Gluten Free Gigi, as she’s known to followers on Facebook, Twitter and her blog by the same name, is a relentless experimenter. She also likes to keep things simple and easy for her followers.

In fact, ease of use is what first attracted Gigi to the Blendtec blender. She says, “Ease of preparation is something that appeals to all audiences; however, for my specific audience, the ease of performing tasks like making your own flours from grains such as rice, oats, millet, etc. in order to insure no cross contamination occurs (in processing) and to save money makes such a tool invaluable.”

Gigi says she’s excited to try new recipes thanks to her Blentec blender. She plans on putting her best recipes on her blog. Gigi smiles and in her welcoming southern drawl says, “It’s a new kind of fast food.”

More information about Gigi’s story and her ongoing discoveries with the Blendtec blender including a free copy of her one-step Blendtec Gluten Free AND Diary Free Chocolate Mousse recipe can be found on her website at