Learn how a team of San Diego family law lawyers can protect you, your interests, assets and your business if you are going through or are considering divorce. Although owning your own business is complicated, if you own a business and going through divorce, it can increase the complexity. According to California law, if you have acquired your business in the duration of your marriage, it must be divided amongst both spouses.

Learn how a team of San Diego family law lawyers can protect you, your interests, assets and your business if you are going through or are considering divorce. Although owning your own business is complicated, if you own a business and going through divorce, it can increase the complexity. According to California law, if you have acquired your business in the duration of your marriage, it must be divided amongst both spouses.

Therefore, you are going to need a San Diego Divorce Attorney that will be able to properly value your business. This is of the utmost importance, because everything from spousal support, child support, property division and more is all affected by your business's assigned value. It is absolutely vital that you have legal representation that can provide you with extensive experience in handling business valuations, controllable cash flow and real estate values.

We can provide you with a superb San Diego Divorce Lawyer that will properly value your business during a divorce in both Orange and San Diego counties. Our business valuation attorneys will bring it experts in the financial field to assist in achieving every goal that you have regarding your business dealings during your divorce. It is imperative to accurately value your business by examining the controllable cash flow of your company.

Your controllable cash flow is often an indicator of the true valuation of your business, and is a key indicator of the income it could generate for a spouse. In addition, it is paramount to realize the value of the real estate that your business currently holds. Our San Diego family law lawyers' partners are licensed real estate brokers. This background in real estate can ensure that we will properly value all of your business real estate.

In addition to businesses and real estate, we also proper a superb team of San Diego divorce lawyers that are highly knowledgeable in every aspect of high asset divorce settlements as well. We can provide you with an exemplary array of financial experts to ensure that your financial position is as strong as it can be after a divorce in Southern California. We can bring in forensic accountants that will work side-by-side with us to ensure that your financial position is protected.

We fully understand the innumerable challenges that can arise in divorces that involve real estate, stock options, businesses and more. Even if there are multiple properties in different states, we will do everything we can to protect you, your rights and your interests. Real estate matters are very complex, but we understand how to best deal with high asset divorces, as well as divorce proceedings that include real estate that is upside down.

We at Boyd Contreras LLP have two offices available for your convenience, one at 402 W. Broadway, Suite 1200 in San Diego, which you can also reach at 619-378-4033, and the other at 8001 Irvine Center Dr., Suite 1185 in Irvine, which can be reached at 949-242-0656. We are also available 24 hours a day on the Internet at www.karieboydlaw.com.