If the word "bankruptcy" has entered your household conversations more than once or twice over the past few weeks or months, you are probably feeling a lot of things right now. You may be hesitating to make that call because you think once you do, it's game over and you will lose everything. The truth is, there is nothing further from the truth. Bankruptcy and debt relief options are there to protect you, and help you get a fresh start. Even when you file for bankruptcy, you have rights and you may be able to even keep some of the assets you have worked your whole life for.
If the word "bankruptcy" has entered your household conversations more than once or twice over the past few weeks or months, you are probably feeling a lot of things right now. You may be hesitating to make that call because you think once you do, it's game over and you will lose everything. The truth is, there is nothing further from the truth. Bankruptcy and debt relief options are there to protect you, and help you get a fresh start. Even when you file for bankruptcy, you have rights and you may be able to even keep some of the assets you have worked your whole life for. Bankruptcy means a clean slate, but it doesn't always mean that you have to give it all away once you sign on the dotted line. At the Michigan Bankruptcy Law Centers, we give you a first free consultation to help go over your case, and let you know what your rights are, and more importantly, what your options are. It's time to stop worrying about your future, and make the call that will make it better.
Michigan Bankruptcy Law Centers is an affiliation of experienced local firms that have expertise in dealing with every element of the bankruptcy process. Our experience will help ensure that your valuable rights are protected. Many clients that come to us think bankruptcy strips them of rights. That's just not true. When you talk to a bankruptcy attorney, you are taking an important step in stopping creditor harassment, and protecting your rights.
We have two locations and offer you convenience and flexibility. Because you are working so hard to make ends meet, you don't have to take time off work if you don't need to. We can meet you in the evenings, on the weekend, whenever it is convenient for you. We also know that money is tight, which is why just talking to us isn't going to cost you a thing. As well, you won't be obligated to sign or commit to anything during your first FREE consultation.
During your first free consultation, we will go over your situation with you in detail. We will examine your monthly expenses and debt load, as well as your income sources and your list of assets. We will also help you determine if you qualify for bankruptcy, and what bankruptcy options are available to you. You may not have to sell everything you own. If you qualify, and decide to go ahead with the bankruptcy or debt relief process, we will take the burden of paperwork off of your hands, end those harassing creditor phone calls, and help determine what assets you are allowed to keep. You don't have to do any of this alone.
This is a scary and stressful time for you. As you know, the longer you are in this situation, the more scary and stressful it becomes. This mountain of debt that you are under is not getting any smaller. As advocates for your rights, and your future, we stand by you every step of the way until your future begins to look brighter again. It's simply a matter of picking up the phone, and finding out what your options are. It's probably been a long time since you even thought you had options. Pick up the phone today and call Michigan Bankruptcy Law Centers for your first free consultation.
Michigan Bankruptcy Law Centers affiliates Dickron "Zeke" Bohikian and Kurt A. Stienke seek to provide bankruptcy attorney representation for clients seeking debt relief through bankruptcy. You can find out more about bankruptcy and the attorneys at their website http://www.michiganbankruptcylawcenters.com.