The hottest season is indeed the Toe Fungus’ favorable time of the year to infect our unsuspecting nails. There are over 230,000 kinds of fungi, but “only” around 100 cause some kind of mycosis. Toe fungus infection is caused mainly by a dermatophyte called trichophyton rubrum.

The hottest season is indeed the Toe Fungus’ favorable time of the year to infect our unsuspecting nails. There are over 230,000 kinds of fungi, but “only” around 100 cause some kind of mycosis. Toe fungus infection is caused mainly by a dermatophyte called trichophyton rubrum.

HOW YOU GET IT: Toenail fungus loves dark moist spaces, and we’re more likely to get it in places like locker rooms, shower rooms, swimming pools and at the beach. During summer time we perspire more, thus keeping our toes wet for longer periods. Toe fungus says thank you very much. Nail fungus grows slowly, though, so you it can take up to two months before you notice it.
Practically everyone can get it, but you are at greater risk if you have repeated exposure to the aforementioned conditions, poor blood circulation (as in diabetes, and old age), and or weakened immune system.

WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS: You should visit your physician to get a diagnostic, but the most common symptoms are hard to miss: A yellow or white spot, that appears in the toe nail; nail color changing to brown, greenish and black; thickening of the nail; nails become crumby and brittle; pain; nail becomes distorted; and a foul odor.

PREVENTION: To prevent getting a toenail fungus infection you should: Avoid walking barefoot in public areas; wear proper fitting shoes with a wide toe area; keep the inside of your shoes dry; change your (100% cotton recommended) socks frequently; not share shoes or nail clippers. For a more comprehensive list of prevention measures visit this site:

COMPLICATIONS: If you believe a toe fungus infection is only an aesthetic problem, think again! Toe fungus infection can lead to: permanent nail deformation; toe pain that can make it difficult to walk normally; foot ulcer; serious opportunistic infections using the toe fungus infection as an easy entry way to infect other parts of the body; and even gangrene and amputation, if you have diabetes, or poor blood circulation.

TREATMENT: If you already got it, the sooner you start the treatment, the better. There are several available treatments. Since oral medication has a low success rate and hurts your liver, and laser is too expensive and not widely available, most people seem to agree that topical products are the best solution.

TO DISCOVER MORE: There’s this site that claims to have reviewed user opinions to find the best treatment, and also publishes a great deal of good advice on how to avoid and get rid of nail fungus. Worth checking out now:

Author: George Silva
Email: [email protected]