Poulsbo, WA, Ocotober 06, 2011 — Every day across America and Canada, there are hundreds of vehicle collisions which often leave citizens trapped inside and in need of emergency care. There are techniques our emergency responders must be proficient in to safely extract the trapped or injured occupants of the vehicles as well as keep themselves and other responders safe on the incident scene.
Poulsbo, WA, Ocotober 06, 2011 — Every day across America and Canada, there are hundreds of vehicle collisions which often leave citizens trapped inside and in need of emergency care. There are techniques our emergency responders must be proficient in to safely extract the trapped or injured occupants of the vehicles as well as keep themselves and other responders safe on the incident scene.
Firefighters need the type of real-life, hands-on training that can only be delivered by professional trainers like PXT. While they are internationally recognized for their skills in TERC and WRO auto extrication competitions, the primary mission for PXT is to increase the skill and knowledge of firefighters and first responders so they may share in enhanced emergency capabilities and protection. This call to action is exemplified by long-time PXT members like Jeff Pugh.
Jeff Pugh is one of the original members of PXT and serves as a lead instructor and President of the organization. He started in the fire and rescue industry in 1984 as a volunteer and was hired in 1993 by Puyallup Fire & Rescue, which merged with Central Pierce Fire & Rescue in 2009. Pugh currently holds the position of lieutenant. Wearing many hats, Pugh also serves as a lead with Heavy Extrication/Rescue for his department, works with FEMA as a rescue squad leader and has years of experience as an instructor with training firms, fire academies and colleges.
“The mission of PXT is to build on our skills and knowledge in vehicle extrication and share that information with other rescuers with the common goal of saving lives,” Pugh said. “We summarize that with our statement of Teach, Learn, Train . . . which is our motto. We work closely with some of our industry’s largest tool manufacturers by providing input on safety and performance, like with the new First Responder Jack by Hi-Lift.”
Action Training Systems’ Vehicle Extrication DVDs and CBTs (computer based training) align with and teach to the NFPA 1001, 1006 & 1670 standards. To ensure the authenticity of the content, Action Training Systems President/CEO George Avila relies on subject matter experts like Jeff Pugh to ensure accurate content. PXT member and founder Kevin Williams was instrumental as a technical consultant for the making of ATS’ Vehicle Extrication series, as was Ron Moore, former battalion chief at McKinney Fire Department, TX.
This ATS Vehicle Extrication series includes the courses Incident Overview, Stabilization, Hazard Control & Safety, Initial Procedures, Door & Sidewall Procedures, Roof & Trunk Procedures and Interior Procedures. Other Action Training Systems series include The Essentials of Fire Fighting, Emergency Medical Responder, HAZMAT, Fire Service Rescue, First On Scene, Fire Officer 1, Industrial Fire Brigades and more. For more information, visit www.action-training.com.
PXT has instructed firefighters from Seattle to Chicago, as well as in Canada, Europe and will train shortly in El Salvador. The PXT instructs hundreds of firefighters annually in Basic, Advanced and Heavy Extrication as well as New Vehicle/Hybrid Vehicles.
PXT is on the road for training classes for Bellingham Fire in Whatcom County, WA on September 24th and 25th, then the Vancouver Island (Canada) 16th Annual Auto Extrication Challenge from September 30th through October 2nd and at the Thurston Fire & Rescue Consortium on October 22nd. PXT’s team member biographies and schedule of events can be found on their website at www.thepxteam.org and the First Responder Jack may be viewed at www.firstresponder.hi-lift.com.
Contact Information: Ed Waterman, 360.621.8661, edw(at)action-training(dot)com
Ed Waterman
Action Training Systems
PO Box 453
Kingston, WA 98346
[email protected]