Alopecia is one of the common hair loss problems in the world today. Affecting both men and women at a rapid pace, Calvicie or alopecia is one of the few conditions that require extensive treatment. Emu oils are a great solution that can control hair loss and also contribute to growth of new hair. This is indeed one of the most amazing benefits of this natural oil that can combat various health problems. One of the greatest attributes of Emu oils is that it contains some potent natural ingredients that lead to natural growth of hair.


Alopecia is one of the common hair loss problems in the world today. Affecting both men and women at a rapid pace, Calvicie or alopecia is one of the few conditions that require extensive treatment. Emu oils are a great solution that can control hair loss and also contribute to growth of new hair. This is indeed one of the most amazing benefits of this natural oil that can combat various health problems. One of the greatest attributes of Emu oils is that it contains some potent natural ingredients that lead to natural growth of hair.


Hair loss is probably one of the most natural phenomenons that cannot be eradicated completely. While losing a few strands as a normal routine is understood, when hair loss is beyond the normal strands, it could be due to an underlying cause, which is Adrogenetic Alopecia. In more than 90 percent of the cases, alopecia is caused by a derivative of the hormone testosterone, called DHT.As DHT is a male hormone, alopecia commonly occurs in men; however, its effects are prominent in some women after their menopause too.  In such cases, Calvicie has to be addressed as a hair loss disorder and proper methods of treatment have to be planned for it.


The body converts testosterone into DHT with the help of 5-alpha reductase enzyme produced in prostate, adrenal glands and scalp. DHT is the cause of degrading hair follicles, which shorten the anagen phase or the growth cycle of hair. In most of the cases, hair follicle will be alive and still connected to blood supply. However, some follicles might die, while others will shrink to produce much weaker hair. This is one of the major problems due to which a person has shorter hair growth cycle. Since hair becomes weak, it is obvious that they tend to shed more. As a result, other hair strands become thinner and fail to survive the wear and tear. This is the cause of balding or alopecia in general.


Emu oil has been considered to be amazing natural solution for the growth of hair. It has been observed as a treatment for calvicie or alopecia. Emu oils have natural ability to block DHT. When DHT tends to attach itself to hair follicle, it starts killing it. Natural products possess the ability of blocking this DHT from getting attached to hair follicle. When DHT fails to attach to hair follicle, it will not kill the hair strands. Therefore, chances of hair fall will be reduced.


Emu oils create the awakening effect on hair follicles. This ingredient is a natural tissue nutrient; which can bring the scalp and hair back to life once again. As per clinical studies, emu oils also have anti-inflammatory properties hat can produce good quality hair.

Alopecia  is a common problem. There are natural treatments for Calvicie  available today.