Our young man, whom we'll call "Joe" knows exactly how that feels. Joe is an active businessman who travels extensively. He has a wife and two young children, and spends quite a bit of his free time coaching his son's basketball team or attending his daughter's ballet recitals.


Our young man, whom we'll call "Joe" knows exactly how that feels. Joe is an active businessman who travels extensively. He has a wife and two young children, and spends quite a bit of his free time coaching his son's basketball team or attending his daughter's ballet recitals.


Because of his position and increasing responsibility in the workplace, he's more conscious of his appearance than ever before. He wants to look his best and portray himself as a confident, knowledgeable expert in his field. However, over the past several years, Joe noticed that he seemed to be losing his hair. In his 20s, he thought his hair had thinned a bit, but he didn't pay much attention to it because it was nothing drastic. He tried switching shampoos, massaging his scalp, and other tips that he thought might help increase the health of his hair and hair growth.


However, as he entered his 30s, Joe's hair loss became very noticeable, to him and to others. He began wearing a hat whenever possible, brushing his hair very carefully so as not to damage it, and tried a variety of over-the-counter hair products. Now, in his mid-30s, Joe wears a hat anytime he's not indoors. As he says, "I don't want to look like a walking advertisement for hair gel… I want to look like I feel; a mature professional who is an active part of my children's lives. When I walk in the room to give a presentation, I want people to view me as a healthy man who takes himself seriously, and by extension, his job. I do not want to be viewed as old, out of touch, and not up for a challenge."


Finding Hair Help


Over the next year, Joe felt that he didn't "fit in" as much as he'd like. Parents of children the same age as his thought he was much older. Who wants to look like they're 10 years older than they really are? It was important for Joe and his wife to raise their children in a socially interactive environment, but the hair loss that Joe was dealing with made this difficult because of the perceptions other parents had of him and his age.


Joe decided that he had to make some decisions regarding his appearance. Unfortunately, people do judge a book by its cover and Joe was feeling that. He didn't appreciate the second glances, the looks at his hair (or lack of it) every time he met someone new, or that hesitance he saw in other people's eyes as he traveled for his business. It's almost as if they were saying, "Oh, we were expecting someone much younger."


Joe knew that if he felt this way in his 30s, by the time he was in his 40s, he'd look way older than he actually was and his career might be seriously hampered by society's unfortunate prevalence of judging people by their looks and not so much by their capabilities.


"After much thought and discussion with my wife, I decided the best option for me would be to have hair transplants. It would help both professionally and personally," writes Joe.  Joe and his wife had several ground rules for their search including their refusal to compromise on expertise, cost of hair transplant procedures and extended time away from work.


Through Internet research on websites like PlacidWay, an international medical tourism facilitator and provider, Joe and his wife decided on Perfection Hair Transplant Center located in Cancun, Mexico. And boy, are they glad they did.


"Within a five-day trip, I was able to change the way I felt and looked, all at an excellent price and under the supervision of their amazing board-certified plastic surgeons and transplant specialists," smiles Joe.


Joe doesn't wear a hat all the time anymore, and this self-confidence has gone through the roof.  He doesn't feel self-conscious around other children's parents, and with the changes the hair transplants have offered his appearance, he no longer feels as if he's the "older guy" competing with the younger generation.


Concludes Joe says, "It is without hesitation that I recommend Perfection to anyone who is looking to make small changes that will have a dramatic effect in all aspects of their life."


For more information regarding hair transplant procedures and techniques as well as facilities in Mexico that offer excellent and qualified providers, visit PlacidWay Or, visit Perfection Hair Transplant Center in Cancun, which has earned their excellent reputation as experts in face, body, and skin cosmetic anesthetic procedures.


Welcome to Perfection, We are a team of professionals with more than 20 years experience in Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic treatments. Our team of nurses is specialized in medical spaand treats our patients how they deserve, with professionalism and dedication.


PlacidWay.com is a health and wellness tourism company, combining affordable healthcare with exotic travel options. PlacidWay.com is designed for those who place a premium on their quality of life. Whether you have a physiological need requiring medical attention, a social motivation to change the way you look, or an inherent desire to seek self actualization through organic, holistic, and healthy healthcare options, PlacidWay.com provides enormous options. At PlacidWay.com, you are presented with the very best providers of health and wellness, from around the world. The choice is entirely yours! You are given a complete freedom to choose your own treatment at a medical center, and in a country of your choice.If you need to visit this hospital then feel free here: 1.303.578.0719, [email protected] or http://www.placidway.com/profile/696/Perfection-|-Medical-Spa-Plastic-Surgery