"As of May 2010 I had three treatments. I am so excited that I feel great. I just walked up a steep hill yesterday and I was not out of breath," writes Mary K., diagnosed with diabetes. After receiving stem cell therapy treatments at ProgenCell, located in Tijuana Mexico, Mary is happy to say that her glucose levels are down (from 287 to 114), and her blood work, after only three treatments, was nearly within normal ranges. By her fourth treatment as of February 2011, Mary feels like a 30-year-old again.


"As of May 2010 I had three treatments. I am so excited that I feel great. I just walked up a steep hill yesterday and I was not out of breath," writes Mary K., diagnosed with diabetes. After receiving stem cell therapy treatments at ProgenCell, located in Tijuana Mexico, Mary is happy to say that her glucose levels are down (from 287 to 114), and her blood work, after only three treatments, was nearly within normal ranges. By her fourth treatment as of February 2011, Mary feels like a 30-year-old again.


Before her stem cell treatments, Mary had to take a nap every afternoon she felt so exhausted. She experienced shortness of breath any time she walked fast, her heart pounded, and she felt pain in her chest performing even the smallest errands or tasks. She was so sleepy all the time that she even had her eyelids removed, thinking she was suffering from drooping eyelids, but later found out that diabetes was causing her extreme fatigue.


Mary's doctor in her native Colorado wanted to put her on medications and remove her gallbladder as well as put her on insulin. She decided to try something less drastic first, including eating a little better, exercising more, and trying stem cell therapy. Mary's condition had decreased so rapidly at that time that she was losing her eyesight, but she took the gamble and decided on one of the newest medical frontiers under development today. She's so glad she did.


About Progencell

Progencell is a leading stem cell research and treatment center located in Tijuana, Mexico. Progencell's mission is to provide high quality stem cell treatments focusing on regenerating damaged or destroyed tissues caused by a number of illnesses or disease processes. The state-of-the-art facility at Progencell is a leader in the innovation of adult stem cell therapies and applications that improve quality of life for their patients.


Progencell offers a variety of stem cell therapies with substantial and effective results as well as improvements in conditions, disease processes and overall health of patients. Progencell specializes in adult or autologous stem cell therapy, using the patient's own stem cells for treatment. Progencell has developed therapies for a large number of disease processes including diabetes, arthritis, neurological problems, lung and liver diseases as well as improvement in symptoms for Alzheimer's disease.


"We offer a multidisciplinary medical staffed at Progencell," states Dr. Jorge GaviƱo Contreras, President of the Committee of Scientists at Progencell. "We offer specialists in the fields of internal medicine, cardiology, neurology, and ophthalmology, just to name a few. We work in conjunction with other health institutions to provide the best in improving care and conditions for our patients."


Like Mary K., patients visiting Progencell and undergoing treatments have also noted improvement in their conditions and quality of life. Due to her condition, Mary had been forced to give up many things that she used to love doing, including scuba diving. Breathing became difficult, and she suffered from chronic bronchitis and allergies.


Today, Mary is scuba diving again, seeing better and can breathe without coughing. She experiences few, if any, bouts of bronchitis and allergy symptoms. Her lungs are stronger and she's able to dive without experiencing pain in her ears or symptoms of waterlogged ears for days after her swimming excursions. Her mind seems more focused, her aches and pains have been drastically reduced and she feels better, inside and out.


Mary Feels Years Younger

Mary feels rejuvenated. Not only has she experienced improvement in her overall health, but her bladder is stronger and she no longer has to get up to go to the bathroom two or three times a night. Her chronically stuffy sinuses have cleared. For the first time in years, Mary can breathe clearly, even after traveling to various environments, climates and altitudes from San Diego to Mexico to Colorado.


Mary K.'s improvement didn't happen all at once, but gradually. She began to notice a definite improvement in many of her conditions and symptoms by her third and fourth stem cell therapy treatment. Mary K. is delighted to learn that many of her conditions were not age related, as she had assumed.


"We're happy that Mary is enjoying an active lifestyle once again," says Pramod Goel, CEO and founder of PlacidWay, an international medical tourism resource, provider, and facilitator for people like Mary, seeking not only traditional but alternative and cutting-edge treatments and technologies around the world.


For more information regarding Progencell, their approach to Medical Care and treatments and prices, as well as qualifications and experience, contact PlacidWay.


With the highest quality therapies, Progencelluses stem cells directly from the patient (autologous adult stem cells) in order to improve their health. PROGENCELL offers stem cell therapieswith effective results.


Thanks for everything, I'm so glad that I spoke to you and found such a Wonderful Stem Cell Therapy Treatment. If you need to visit this hospital then feel free here: 1.303.578.0719, [email protected] or http://www.placidway.com/profile/809/Progencell-Stem-Cell-Therapies