How would you feel if someone told you that a large percentage of employees in the aviation and the transportation sectors work under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs? You would surely feel cheated because you will no longer feel safe traveling and you will also think that you are not safe as a citizen of the most advanced nation in the world. To placate your rising mental stress, it must be said that this is not the situation at all. In fact, it is highly unlikely that you will come across a single employee in the aviation and the transportation sector who operates under influence.

How would you feel if someone told you that a large percentage of employees in the aviation and the transportation sectors work under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs? You would surely feel cheated because you will no longer feel safe traveling and you will also think that you are not safe as a citizen of the most advanced nation in the world. To placate your rising mental stress, it must be said that this is not the situation at all. In fact, it is highly unlikely that you will come across a single employee in the aviation and the transportation sector who operates under influence. The FAA drug testing program and the DOT drug testing program take care of this.

It is rather clear from the names of these programs as to who they are meant for. The FAA drug testing program is meant for the employees in the aviation sector and the DOT drug testing program is meant for the employees in the transportation sector. Both of these sectors are critical in our lives and hence, the employees in these sectors need to work in their full senses. Both alcohol and drugs can dull senses, as all of us know. Hence, the employers in both these sectors ensure that that never happens. There are independent agencies that help them conduct these tests and maintain a clean work environment.

You may want to know how the FAA drug testing program and the DOT drug testing program are conducted. These agencies have a simple way of working. First they define the policies related to an alcohol and drug free workplace. They then train the employees and their managers working in these sectors so that everyone is aware of these policies. This is done to ensure that no one feigns ignorance when apprehended. These agencies then regularly conduct tests without prior notice on random employees. Because of the randomness of these tests, none of the employees can afford to work under influence. This is how the policy is enforced.

The tests run like any other alcohol and drug tests. Random employees are asked to provide samples of their body fluids for testing. These agencies work with the employers to create private rooms where the samples can be collected. Certified labs are used for testing and no one can influence the results. These agencies also audit their processes from time to time to make sure that the tests are conducted randomly and without any undue influence.

Employers love the FAA drug testing program and the DOT drug testing program because they cannot run the risk of having an employee working under influence. News travels fast on the internet and no employer can afford to have their goodwill tarnished by an individual or a small group of employees.

If you are an employer in any of these sectors, the FAA drug testing program and the DOT drug testing program are essential for your business to survive. Hire a reputed agency for end to end management of these tests and keep your workplace safe.
Ensure a clean workplace with the FAA drug testing program and the DOT drug testing program