"Carry Out,” performed by Timbaland and featuring additional co-production from Jerome “J-Roc” Harmon, was one of the “Award Winning Songs” at BMI’s Pop Music Awards. The award show, which took place at the Beverly Wilshire Four Seasons Hotel on May 17th, saluted the writers and publishers of the past year’s 50 most-performed pop songs on U.S. radio and television.

"Carry Out,” performed by Timbaland and featuring additional co-production from Jerome “J-Roc” Harmon, was one of the “Award Winning Songs” at BMI’s Pop Music Awards. The award show, which took place at the Beverly Wilshire Four Seasons Hotel on May 17th, saluted the writers and publishers of the past year’s 50 most-performed pop songs on U.S. radio and television.

Aside from J-Roc’s contributions, “Carry Out” also features frequent Timbaland collaborator Justin Timberblake as both co-writer and performer along Timbaland. “Carry Out” reached number 8 on the Billboard’s US Mainstream Top 40 and is featured on Timbaland’s album Shock Value II.

Flying back to home to Houston for a short break between sessions, J-Roc mentioned that 2011 has so far been a big year. “We did some great work on a film starring Hugh Jackman called Real Steal, that will be coming out later this year. And of course we have The Hangover: Part Two trailer that is running at the moment.” Jay-Z’s “Reminder,” originally featured on the chart topping The Blueprint 3, features production from J-Roc and is in the trailer to Warner Bros. sequel to their 2009 summer blockbuster hit.

J-Roc joined Timbaland’s team in 2006 and has been producing hit songs ever since. Recent singles featuring J-Roc include Chris Brown’s “Paper, Scissors, Rock” featuring Big Sean, Keri Hilson’s “Breaking Point,” and Jay-Z’s “Off That” and "Venus vs. Mars".

CONTACT: For more information, or to schedule an interview with Jerome "J-Roc" Harmon, please contact Tony Hinds at Tonyh@weeraimusic.com


Weerai Music is a rights management, consulting, and public relations company which works with a select roster of chart topping clients that have earned Billboard and Grammy success with some of the biggest names in music. Visit http://weeraimusic.com for more information on Weerai Music’s services.