Murder mystery lovers will welcome with open arms Joseph Lewis’ trilogy called Taking Lives.  It has the right mix of thrill and suspense that reader will enjoy.

The bodies of six boys are found in remote areas in different states with startling similar characteristics. FBI Agent Pete Kelliher and his team from the Crimes Against Children Unit investigate and discover a curious pattern that his superiors refuse to believe. Unfortunately for Pete, there are no other leads and no evidence to verify Pete’s theory.

Murder mystery lovers will welcome with open arms Joseph Lewis’ trilogy called Taking Lives.  It has the right mix of thrill and suspense that reader will enjoy.

The bodies of six boys are found in remote areas in different states with startling similar characteristics. FBI Agent Pete Kelliher and his team from the Crimes Against Children Unit investigate and discover a curious pattern that his superiors refuse to believe. Unfortunately for Pete, there are no other leads and no evidence to verify Pete’s theory.

Brett McGovern is a handsome and athletically talented eleven year old. He and his younger brother, Bobby, discover that someone is breaking into their home at night while their family sleeps. One afternoon, an incident occurs, but Brett doesn’t tell anyone, choosing instead to keep it a secret, one of many mistakes that provesvery costly.

More than a thousand miles away on the Navajo Indian Reservation, George Tokay, an eleven year old Navajo, and his grandfather have vivid, troubling dreams and visions. Neither understands the meaning or has an explanation.

The lives of Pete Kelliher, Brett McGovern, and George Tokay are separate pieces of the same puzzle. The boys become interwoven with the same thread that Pete Kelliher holds in his hand. The three of them are on a collision course and when that happens, their futures grow dark and dreadful as each search for a way out.
Joseph Lewis has created a page turning thriller that will captivate you to the last page.

“Wow! I know it is a good book when my husband wakes up at 4:00 in the morning and wonders why I am reading! I am hooked and can't wait for the trilogy! As a parent, it was a little scary as I want to protect my son”, wrote Tina in her review.

Dan from Wisconsin wrote, “’Taking Lives’ is an engaging, if not also a sad and frightening, book as well. It shockingly makes clear the whole putrid activity of child trafficking. I eagerly await the series to come.”

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