Burlington, Wis., – According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 21.9 percent of women and 42.3 percent of men have three or more drinks on a “typical drinking day.” And children mimic what they see at home. Alcoholism as a growing family problem is in the spotlight during Red Ribbon Week, Oct. 23-31. The campaign is the largest and oldest drug abuse prevention program in the country: Alcohol is the leading drug of abuse in the United States.

Burlington, Wis., – According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 21.9 percent of women and 42.3 percent of men have three or more drinks on a “typical drinking day.” And children mimic what they see at home. Alcoholism as a growing family problem is in the spotlight during Red Ribbon Week, Oct. 23-31. The campaign is the largest and oldest drug abuse prevention program in the country: Alcohol is the leading drug of abuse in the United States.

One individual who knows all too well about the trials of quitting and staying in recovery is Scott Stevens, author of Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud: Relapse and the Symptoms of Sobriety. His award-winning non-fiction book is a unique, bold take on sobriety. Using startling statistics and fresh medical discoveries interwoven with his personal account of the disease of alcoholism, Stevens relays the symptoms of sobriety, key stressors that lead to relapse and success factors that help keep relapse at bay. The result is required reading for an alcoholics in any stage of recovery and their loved ones.

Other recovery books are written either like clinical texts or they're by accredited experts, not alcoholics. Stevens is a prolific health writer with more than 100 alcoholism articles. With Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud: Relapse and the Symptoms of Sobriety, he admits he's had to “eat his own cooking.” A mutual fund executive by day, Stevens once had a two-liters-a-day whiskey problem.

“I wrote the book because I wanted to tell how relapse feels and what leads up to it. You don't need a Ph.D. or M.D. to read it, and I felt it was important to include real experience plus the clinical research. Using my own story let me say to alcoholics, 'I'm just like you. I have been through the emotions, from anger to joy, before and after quitting.' The Red Ribbon Week message in the back third of the book gives compelling medical reasons to not drink in the first place. The material leading up to it is research I wish I knew when I was struggling.”

Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud: Relapse and the Symptoms of Sobriety has been well-received by the recovery community nationally and internationally and has several five-star reviews on the print and e-book versions at all book retailers.

About The Author: Stevens
Stevens is a noted journalist on alcoholism. His books on the disease include 2010's What the Early Worm Gets. For more information on the new book, please visit www.alcohologist.com

Contact: Scott Stevens, (262) 332-9366
Email: [email protected]