How to Pray for Your Husband by Nicole Perkins shows women how to take their sacred responsibility seriously and fuel the marriage with power and loyal love. It reveals how every issue can be resolved through the dedicated practice of daily prayer. This book is divided into sections showcasing powerful ways to pray for the husband's spirit, mind, body, finances, heart and legacy. Grab it now and start to bless your husband everyday!

Invest in your marriage, seek God in prayer, turn your marriage around

How to Pray for Your Husband by Nicole Perkins shows women how to take their sacred responsibility seriously and fuel the marriage with power and loyal love. It reveals how every issue can be resolved through the dedicated practice of daily prayer. This book is divided into sections showcasing powerful ways to pray for the husband's spirit, mind, body, finances, heart and legacy. Grab it now and start to bless your husband everyday!

Invest in your marriage, seek God in prayer, turn your marriage around

The focal point of How to Pray for Your Husband is developing the practice of daily prayer for one's husband. It shows how, through the practice of prayer, one can draw ever closer to God and improve the relationship with the husband through the fidelity of prayer.

The prayer book highlights how many women easily replace God with the husband after the vows are exchanged and the life together begins. As Perkins points out, this incorrect priority often leads to discord, lack of unity, flawed submission, and division.

As the book indicates, if this isn't corrected, the two visions and other problems can lead to a rapid decline of the marriage, and bring it far from the ideal God has for how a biblical marriage should

Perkins shows women how they can turn this around by devoting as little as half an hour to prayer
each day. How to Pray for Your Husband fulfills a high order by revealing how one can breathe life
and beauty back into their marriage. It points out that marital bliss is possible and achievable with
a vibrant prayer life. The book is for every wife who needs to reconnect with the Father, revive her faith in Him and be the wife God ordained her to become.

Some of the fruits of following Perkins' suggestions are ease of submission to one's husband, ability to respect him as the authority in the household, and revelation of ways to be a better more Godly wife who fulfills the role of helpmeet. How to Pray for Your Husband shows women how to take their sacred responsibility seriously and fuel the marriage with power and loyal love. It reveals how every issue can be resolved through the dedicated practice of daily prayer.

This book is an amazing guide to establishing an effective prayer life. It answers the questions regarding how to pray for one's husband. Readers will learn how to go to God with any and every concern and issue that comes up in a marriage and ask Him to provide the solutions and action steps to take.

Inside the book are some foundational scripture prayers on which to stand. Also included are sections showcasing powerful ways to pray for the husband's spirit, mind, body, finances, heart and legacy. As a bonus, it includes an index of powerful prayers for husbands and wives.

How to Pray for Your Husband is the right prayer book for any woman who desires to optimize her experience as a helpmeet, and who wants the “not easily broken” three-fold cord referenced in Ecclesiastes 4:12 to be a reality in her marriage.
Grab it now and start to bless your husband everyday!





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