Portland, OR, September 19—These days it is so easy to go about the day distracted.  It seems as if being unaware of our surroundings is the new norm during the turmoil of current events.

Portland, OR, September 19—These days it is so easy to go about the day distracted.  It seems as if being unaware of our surroundings is the new norm during the turmoil of current events.

In her new bestseller, Mindfulness in Action: A Hands-On Guide to Creating Peace Amidst the Chaos, author Sharon Sayler shares, “Mindfulness involves active awareness throughout the day. Active awareness is the simple everyday practice it takes to stay cognizant, aware and conscious. An active awareness mindset isn’t about believing, it’s about Being. It is the enjoyment of all that life has to offer.  Through each passing moment of time, either consciously or unconsciously, we change. We get to choose with each moment to be a new, more powerful being, ready to do greater things in the world.” Mindfulness in Action is published by JURNEE Publishing.

 “Sharon Sayler's book cuts through the noise and distraction of modern life and gives you the tools to have mindfulness every day. I felt more peace and awareness in my life just reading chapters in her wonderful book than I have in years.”

~ Mike Michalowicz, Author of Profit First
As a communications consultant and CEO of Competitive Edge Communications, the author Sharon Sayler, MBA, ACC works with professionals to enhance their leadership, relationships, self-awareness, verbal and non-verbal skills to achieve their personal and professional goals. A sought-after speaker, Sharon teaches others to make conscious and courageous choices to create the life they want and deserve. Sharon is available for interviews, public appearances and book signings.

Mindfulness in Action: A Hands-On Guide to Creating Peace Amidst the Chaos is available on Amazon.com. Book preview: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NMWRVA0

CONTACT: Sharon Sayler
PHONE: (855) 909-6100
Email:  [email protected]
Book Preview: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NMWRVA0