Houston, TX (USA), February 03, 2014 — In his new book, The Whole Life, Healthy Human Living, author Jerry Blevins describes the four relationships we have in human living —- God, Self, Others and Nature. The book stresses the interrelationship of all four areas. “We cannot have a relationship in any one of the areas without involving the other three as well,” Blevins said. “It is important that the relationships are healthy in all four areas,” said the author.

Houston, TX (USA), February 03, 2014 — In his new book, The Whole Life, Healthy Human Living, author Jerry Blevins describes the four relationships we have in human living —- God, Self, Others and Nature. The book stresses the interrelationship of all four areas. “We cannot have a relationship in any one of the areas without involving the other three as well,” Blevins said. “It is important that the relationships are healthy in all four areas,” said the author.

Since living includes confronting life in many ways, the chapters in The Whole Life, Healthy Human Living ( http://www.halopublishing.com ) deal with the difference between constructive anxiety and destructive anxiety, as well as the five characteristics of a good worker; dealing with stress; the meaning of peace; before and after the wedding; making and enjoying friendships; and dealing with many other contexts and decisions that we face daily.

Published by Halo Publishing International ( http://www.halopublishing.com), The Whole Life, Healthy Human Living emphasizes that good working characteristics include enthusiasm, energy, focus, creativity and patience. “These are all important characteristics for success in life and Jerry Blevins’ book gives readers awareness of how to achieve a healthy, whole existence in our world,” said Publisher Lisa Umina.

Blevins said we stray from our path when we do not have healthy relationships with God. Self, Others and Nature. “It is important to learn the difference between constructive anxiety and destructive anxiety.”

Blevins had a career as a Presbyterian minister and recently retired from North Central Michigan College where he taught in the departments of World Religion, Philosophy and American History. A native of Akron, Ohio, he earned a bachelor’s degree from Anderson University in Anderson, Indiana and a master's degree from Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. He has worked with students at Ball State University, Purdue University, Huntington Indiana College and Northern Illinois University.

Blevins lives in Michigan with his wife of 30 years, Sue. The couple has five children and seven grandchildren. The author enjoys watching all kinds of sporting events and playing golf.

To order The Whole Life, Healthy Human Living visit http://www.halopublishing.com To reach author Jerry Blevins, e-mail him at [email protected].

Press & Media Contact:
Lisa M. Umina, Publisher
Halo Publishing International
AP #726 / P.O. Box 60326
Houston, TX 77205-0326 – USA
[email protected]