The worldwide attention the recent debate between creationist Ken Ham and evolutionist Bill Nye received shows that the origins of humankind are a more contentious topic than ever before.
Magnus is bold enough to confidently predict that before the end of 2014, creation and evolution will be taught side by side in schools and colleges as correct. Both will be preached in churches and other places of worship worldwide.
Read about the truth that will change the world in The Ordained Union between Creation and Evolution at
The worldwide attention the recent debate between creationist Ken Ham and evolutionist Bill Nye received shows that the origins of humankind are a more contentious topic than ever before.
Magnus is bold enough to confidently predict that before the end of 2014, creation and evolution will be taught side by side in schools and colleges as correct. Both will be preached in churches and other places of worship worldwide.
Read about the truth that will change the world in The Ordained Union between Creation and Evolution at
Did you notice the worldwide attention the recent debate between creationist Ken Ham and evolutionist Bill Nye received? Right now, the origins of humankind are a more contentious topic than ever before in our history. As the dust settles from the debate, the time is now right for the truth about our origins to be revealed.
These two lovebirds are being dragged kicking and screaming to the altar since, as everyone knows, creation and evolution are mutually exclusive. Right? Actually, wrong!
Subjects don’t get any more serious than the origin of the human species. If we are to survive and thrive as a species, understanding and accepting our fundamental origins is absolutely essential.
And yet, for over 150 years, the human race has been wrapped up in the conflict between creation and evolution.
In The Ordained Union, Magnus challenges this history of conflict, arguing that both creation and evolution are correct!
As startling as this proclamation might be, it is not just a claim. He will prove it to you!
In this book, he shows you that creation and evolution are really both sides of the same coin. Give him a narrow-minded, dogmatic reader—that’s just the kind of person he is looking for in his audience. He will broaden his mind. Yes, he really is that confident.
Give Magnus a fervently skeptical, biased reader, and he will welcome him into a brand-new world. The Ordained Union will help that reader take the next leap in consciousness that humans sorely need to progress.
It was a seismic shift in awareness when we discovered that it is the earth that revolves around the sun—that the earth was not the center of the universe.
Today, there is a cosmic shift in awareness taking place.
Finally. It’s here. The book millions have longed for, and eagerly awaited. The book revealing the secrets of mankind’s origins.
Locked for 2000 years, the time has come to break open the seals.
The debates are over, the controversies laid to rest. This is The Ordained Union between Creation and Evolution. Let the raging battles finally cease.
It’s time. Step into the Halls of Grace and witness the wedding of the millennium that will catapult you into The Light of Truth.
What is revealed to you within these pages will change your life. It will change your entire way of thinking, helping you to see the world and humanity’s place in it in a whole new light.
Search around the globe, and you will find no other author who has unlocked these secrets in the same way. You will find clarity and simplicity within these pages, backed by extensive proofs from the Bible, especially within the Book of Revelations.
Magnus invites you to step into this brave new world and reap its rewards. He is bold enough to confidently predict that before the end of 2014, evolution and creation will be taught side by side in schools and colleges as correct. Both will be preached in churches and other places of worship worldwide.
The Holy Grace of The Creator of The Universe pours forth in abundance. Now is the time to step forward and claim your share.
Read about the truth that will change the world.
This is your invitation to the wedding of the millennium. Creation is marrying Evolution.
It will take place here, right now.
Get a free download at
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