Houston, TX (USA), July 03, 2014 — Longtime educator Pam McLagan is helping Christians share the lessons of the Bible in a truly meaningful way. Her new book, BluePrint Bible Lessons for Kids, published by Halo Publishing International, includes 52 lessons to help children learn and interpret Bible passages.
“This method truly revolutionized the way I approach a class,” McLagan said.
Houston, TX (USA), July 03, 2014 — Longtime educator Pam McLagan is helping Christians share the lessons of the Bible in a truly meaningful way. Her new book, BluePrint Bible Lessons for Kids, published by Halo Publishing International, includes 52 lessons to help children learn and interpret Bible passages.
“This method truly revolutionized the way I approach a class,” McLagan said.
“This blueprint is for parents, teachers, Bible club coordinators, and religious pre-school directors who want a framework for their own creativity.” McLagan added, “It’s not a script, but a blueprint for teaching.”
McLagan said she created the curriculum many years ago, particularly for a group of precocious preschoolers. The lessons in BluePrint Bible Lessons for Kids are grouped in three-month themed segments. Each lesson focuses on a Bible passage and includes a memory section which links to several stories.
“Instruction can be tailored to different age groups or specific children in the group,” McLagan said. “Children learn in different ways and BluePrint Bible Lessons for Kids provides resources to facilitate understanding for visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and tactile learners,” she explained. “This teaching tool also offers creative ways to make your home or classroom a fun place where knowledge abounds.”
Halo International ( http://www.halopublishing.com ) Publisher Lisa Umina said BluePrint Bible Lessons for Kids is meant to be a flexible tool to help children understand the meaning of God’s word. “The blueprint will help teachers teach His messages,” Umina said.
McLagan said, “It’s hard to do what God says if we don’t know what He says! For that reason, these 52 lessons are based on God’s message to us, the Bible.” The author is currently working on a second volume.
For more information on this book, interested parties may log on to www.halopublishing.com
About the Author:
Pam McLagan started teaching Christian lessons when she was a teenager and has coordinated children’s classes, supervised Vacation Bible Schools, and taught just about every age group as a member of a several different congregations. Professionally, she taught English for ten years in public and private junior high and high schools, and for fifteen years has been adjunct faculty in the English department at LinnBenton Community College where she has taught Composition, Literature and Bible as Literature. She earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees at Oregon State University. Pam and her husband, Bill, have lived in Oregon, California, Indonesia, and Connecticut and reside now in Albany, Oregon. To reach author Pam McLagan, visit her Facebook page, BluePrint Lessons Pam McLagan, or e-mail her at [email protected].
Press & Media Contact:
Lisa M. Umina, Publisher
Halo Publishing International
1031 Cherry Spring Drive, AP 726
Houston, TX 77038 – USA
[email protected]