‘What-Ifs’ about Christmas can create a great deal of excitement in a child’s mind.
• What if Santa were too fat to fit down the chimney?
• What if Rudolph fell sick and couldn’t lead the reindeer?
• What if good little girls and boys all over the world had to wake up to … a Christmas with no toys?

‘What-Ifs’ about Christmas can create a great deal of excitement in a child’s mind.
• What if Santa were too fat to fit down the chimney?
• What if Rudolph fell sick and couldn’t lead the reindeer?
• What if good little girls and boys all over the world had to wake up to … a Christmas with no toys?

San Diego author Chiwah Carol Slater offers an entertaining solution to all three of these Christmas ‘what-ifs’ in “How Pepper and Precious Saved Christmas Day," a colorful illustrated ebook she invites families to download for free this week at PetWrites.com/FreeChristmasEbook.

Imagine a fretting Santa, grown too fat to fit into his furry red suit! In their heartfelt desire to help, the elves suggest trying on his bigger green suit, or perhaps his blue suit. One even offers to make him a new suit!

But Santa is a realist. Sure, image counts, but when push comes to shove, it’s getting down those skinny chimneys that wins the day! And therein lies the source of his despair.

What to do?

Up pops Precious the Shih-Tzu Pup, making an offer with a ‘can-do’ yup! Precious volunteers to slide down all those pesky chimneys and deliver the gifts. Sigh of relief! But short-lived, for now Rudolph phones to say he’s down with a tummy ache and can’t lead the team.

In twenty pages of original colorful artwork and delightful dog-gerel, the story of how Precious and Pepper the big-hearted Chihuahua save Christmas will entertain and amuse children who love dogs, Santa, toys, and Rudolph.

Slater says the idea for this story came on the heels of a don’t-text-while-driving video she created for teenage driver education classes. “With that behind me,” she says, “I felt the need to create something silly and fun. I love pets and Christmas, and this story about how the pets saved Christmas just poured out of me.”

A freelance ghostwriter and book editor, Slater has over fifty titles to her credit, many by local authors. Last year, a novel she ghostwrote for a local attorney emerged as one of three finalists in Global eBook Awards 2012.* Slater can be reached for editing, ghostwriting, and other creative projects at 760-434-5224, or by email at [email protected].

* Dan Poynter’s Global eBook Awards 2013, humorous fiction category; the book was No Nude Swimming by Robert Gottlieb.; for documentation see http://globalebookawards.com/2012-global-ebook-awards-finalists/ and http://nonudeswimming.com/about-the-author (last paragraph).

Chiwah Slater