Fort Lauderdale, Florida –  Author EB.  Joseph is pleased to announce her new website, Plan2Win. The website is a portal for individuals seeking self-help publications to access her works in one convenient place. Joseph, the author of several books, wanted to create a one-stop-shop for her publications, and thus Plan2Win was born.

Fort Lauderdale, Florida –  Author EB.  Joseph is pleased to announce her new website, Plan2Win. The website is a portal for individuals seeking self-help publications to access her works in one convenient place. Joseph, the author of several books, wanted to create a one-stop-shop for her publications, and thus Plan2Win was born.

Plan2Wins Solutions offers Joseph's ebooks and online workshops to the public, and covers several issues of interest to women including budgeting, divorce, parenting home renovations, home schooling and more.  The result is a series of books full of proven plans that work for any woman looking for self-help and personal growth titles.  Joseph's books are easy to understand and feature advice presented in an easy-to-follow format. Titles include the following:

•    How to Set Up a Monthly Budget: Organize Your Financial Life
•    Home Improvement Project Survivor: The Smart Woman's Guide to Hiring a Contractor
•    Love Starts with You: Bounce Back from Divorce
•    Plan2Win at Parenting: Different Tools for Different Times

Joseph is a retired U.S. Marine of over 20 years. As the CEO of Plan2Win, Solutions, LLC, she believes in providing practical information for women to improve their lives.  She holds a BA in Psychology from Chapman University of Orange, CA and AA in Business Administration from Strayer University of Washington, DC. Joseph currently teaches a monthly budget class as a free community service for elderly and economically- challenged individuals. It’s this passion for helping others that infuses her books.

“I wrote these volumes because I'd gone through several situations and learned more than I ever could imagine. I wanted to share my knowledge and experience with other women, to make their lives a bit easier,” Joseph stated.

For more information, and to purchase her ebook titles, please visit

Contact: EB. Joseph
Tel: 954-612-8426
Email:  [email protected]