Oak Park, IL, USA, December 30, 2011 — The New York Times, USA Today, Chicaog Tribune, NPR, LA Times, USA Today all did stories on William Hazelgrove when he went up to Ernest Hemingway's attic to write his next novel. That was thirteen years ago. He did produce the novel, Rocket Man (the story of a man trying to keep his house while looking for the American Dream) but the novel he hoped to write eluded him. "I kept wrting these bad novels and calling them Hemingways' Attic. None of them worked," the novelist lamented in his studio up among the rafters.

Oak Park, IL, USA, December 30, 2011 — The New York Times, USA Today, Chicaog Tribune, NPR, LA Times, USA Today all did stories on William Hazelgrove when he went up to Ernest Hemingway's attic to write his next novel. That was thirteen years ago. He did produce the novel, Rocket Man (the story of a man trying to keep his house while looking for the American Dream) but the novel he hoped to write eluded him. "I kept wrting these bad novels and calling them Hemingways' Attic. None of them worked," the novelist lamented in his studio up among the rafters. So I put the idea aside and wrote Rocket Man.

But the book haunted Hazelgrove and one day he sat down with the intention to write something for his fellow writers."I no longer taught fiction and I felt I wanted to give something back. So I started to write what I had learned as a writer and I realized what I could give is the capacity to survive and keep on writing when everythng is against you." So he did. Hemingways Attic was just released on Kindle and Hazelgrove hopes writers will find it helpful. "There are plenty of books out there about how to get published but none of them gives the real deal on what it's like to try and make it as a writer in America."

Hemingways' Attic is Hazelgrove's own history, but it is really a testament to the passion for the word. It is the heart of what drives someone to write. "Hemingway was big on truth," Hazelgrove continued. " He might have liked this book at least for that."

Contact : www.billhazelgrove.com, [email protected]

Jim Turner
39w 118 Crescent Lane
St Charles IL 60175
[email protected]