New York art is basically a movement that came to an explosion soon after the World War II, and became popular as the Abstract Expressionism. The New York school of thought is characterized by loud paint applications that reflect energy, youth and chaos. When the art form shaped into being, most contemporary artists came to think of it as an antagonism of the new generation against the classical painting traditions. In fact, most painters even refused to call it art for that matter.
New York art is basically a movement that came to an explosion soon after the World War II, and became popular as the Abstract Expressionism. The New York school of thought is characterized by loud paint applications that reflect energy, youth and chaos. When the art form shaped into being, most contemporary artists came to think of it as an antagonism of the new generation against the classical painting traditions. In fact, most painters even refused to call it art for that matter. But quite ironically, critics, during the emerging days of Impressionism art didn’t take it seriously enough until it made a prominent place for itself in the art world. Just as lovers art, this is one specialty that has come to the notice of millions over time.
New York art through passing time has come to be known differently, depending on the influences of the changing times. At a point, it was referred to as the Gestural Abstraction, and critics justify it calling so because of the kind of brush strokes the paintings demonstrated. Interestingly, the brushing techniques were controlled by the choice of subject itself. It is because of this observation that Harold Rosenberg came to dub it ‘Action Painting.’ That was back in the 1952 when art was regarded as an event rather than a translation of talent. A similarity this art shares with lovers art is the messy use of colors that liken the paintings with that of New York school.
After greater scrutiny on the same, it is revealed that the use of action has actually revealed another aspect of the art. The reason why Abstract Expressionism is referred to New York art is because most of the artists lived in the city of New York. It is said that the artists used to meet in the Cedar Tavern where they’d hold discussions on the concepts of the art. The best thing about this art is the artists who invented new methods of brushing applications that have been mostly exported from the Old World. Jackson Pollock, one of the exponents of the Abstract Expressionism earned the nick name of ‘Jack the Dripper’ by the dint of his special drip-and-splatter brushing technique. Garish colors, swashbuckled brushes, wide canvases, were the special characteristics of this art form.
The galleries in the museums of the country hold innumerable specimens drawn by masters from the past. Sadly, you can’t buy one of these masterpieces to adorn the walls of your living room. What you can do is, purchase the works of the contemporary artists that are often sold online through their respective personal sites and online exhibitions. Visit some of these sites to find a huge collection of really good paintings that can be bought for money. While the top of the line artworks are sold through auction, the others made by popular contemporary artists can be bought without bidding over extortionate prices. Browse through the collection to pick the one that suits your taste.
Are you an art lover who has recently taken to appreciating paintings from the New York art school of thoughts? Find some of the best lovers art paintings of the time in this online gallery.