Photography is the technique of recording and generating permanent images, by the capturing and preservation of physical stimulus-patterns on a layer of photosensitive material. It involves recording light patterns as reflected from objects, on to a sensitive medium through momentary exposure. The process is done through mechanical, chemical or digital devices commonly known as camera. 
Photography can be classified under imaging technology and has gained the interest of scientists and artists from its inception. Scientists have used its capacity to make accurate recordings, such as Eadweard Muybridge in his study of human and animal locomotion (1887). Artists have been equally interested by this aspect but have also tried to explore other avenues than the photo-mechanical representation of reality, such as the pictorialist movement. Military, police and security forces use photography for surveillance, recognition and data storage. 
The photography can be used by a wide array of professions. These professions range from science and technology to business or art. It is also used for personal reasons. You can take family photographs or with friends and capture the happiest moments of life.

The application will be updated on the regular basis to include the new rules and the terms being introduced by new generations of photographers.
Itunes Link or Download Link
Category: Photo & Video
Released: 27 April 2011
Size: 5.5 MB
Language: English
Developer: WinjiT technologies Pvt Ltd
© Winjit Technologies Pvt Ltd
Rated 4+
Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad.Requires iOS 3.2 or later
About Winjit Technologies:
Winjit Technologies, Pvt. Ltd. is a software and I.T. firm based out of Nashik, India, with a business presence on four continents. Winjit provides customized services to private and public entities worldwide, raising the standards and expectations for information services worldwide.
Winjit has been in the forefront for mobile application development with expertise across mobile platforms. Winjit has forged partnerships with various content providers and help them provide the content on to various mobility platforms.
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