Scranton, PA, United States, December 01, 2011 — Dorothy Dietrich, Celebrity Magician, Mentioned as Part of Story on Fox TV's Hit Show "House"

Dorothy Dietrich, often called the Female Houdini ™, and the First Lady of Magic turned up as a reference in a story on the Fox TV show "House" that is showing this month.  The next showing will be on USA Network, on Friday December 9, 2011 at 11 AM. The title of the show is "Perils of Paranoia".

Scranton, PA, United States, December 01, 2011 — Dorothy Dietrich, Celebrity Magician, Mentioned as Part of Story on Fox TV's Hit Show "House"

Dorothy Dietrich, often called the Female Houdini ™, and the First Lady of Magic turned up as a reference in a story on the Fox TV show "House" that is showing this month.  The next showing will be on USA Network, on Friday December 9, 2011 at 11 AM. The title of the show is "Perils of Paranoia".

Ms. Dietrich performs regularly at the world famous Houdini Museum, Tour & Magic Show in Scranton, PA,  when not traveling on the road with her stage show. She was recently featured in a half page story in the New York Times that went around the world.  The story was of her clandestine and secret replacement of Harry Houdini's statuary bust at his grave site that has been missing for over 36 years. The original bust was destroyed by vandals in 1975.

She has been in the New York Times on several occasions before including a feature story called "Houdini – the Greatest Showman of All?" The New York Times said…
"Ms. Dietrich, on the strength of her televised stunts, could claim preeminence (to Houdini)… She is essentially is a magician, distinguished as the first woman to saw a man in  half. But she is an ever more serious stunt artist as well, researching some projects for as long as a year.  Miss Dietrich… has become the first woman to catch a bullet in her Mouth… and (she) repeated the test before You Asked For It television cameras."

The bullet catch is known as the "trick that scared Houdini."  It is  the only stunt Houdini backed away from after he announced his intention to do it.  She has replicated many of Houdini's escapes and in some cases has even gone further.  On a Home Box Office Special that aired a several years ago,  "The World's Greatest Escapes," costarring move actor Tony Curtis, she escaped from a Strait Jacket hanging hundreds of feet in the air from a burning rope.  A stunt never done by Houdini and that stands as a World's record till today.  Feats such as this has earned her the title "Female Houdini" ™. She has been featured on numerous television shows and channels world wide including the BBC, CBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, Travel Channel, Biography Channel, History Channel, TV Land, etc. She also presides over the annual Original Houdini Seance every Halloween.  Ms. Dietrich talks and lectures about Houdini in schools, corporate events, banks, and has the only continuous traveling Houdini exhibit in the world.  

Dorothy Dietrich is considered a leading expert on Houdini as well. This past month she was on The Travel Channel's "Mysteries At The Museum" who featured her in a story about one of Houdini's greatest escapes.  On January 4, 2012 she will be on the History Channel's Brad Meltzer's "Decoded!" revealing some never before facts about how Houdini died.

The Houdini Museum is the only building in the world dedicated to Houdini.  It has the largest permanent display to the general public anywhere, of artifacts, historical displays and information on Houdini. So many tourists have come to the City of Scranton that Mayor Doherty and the OECD has awarded an $30,000 matching facade grant to Scranton's Houdini Museum.  (  This is a much needed grant to dress up the exterior of the building.  The museum has gotten rave reviews all over the world.  Now they must match the $30,000.  The Houdini Museum is a 501 C-3 non profit museum so contributions are tax deductible.  Contact the museum for further information.

Contact Penny Wilkes
Houdini Museum, Tour & Magic Show, Scranton, PA,(570) 342-5555,(570) 383-1821,(570) 383-9297, [email protected]

Penny Wilkes
Houdini Museum
1433 N. Main Avenure
Scranton, PA 18508
[email protected]