A few months ago, Eric Schmidt of Google stated a very interesting idea. According to Schmidt, Android, a popular mobile platform, has potential to go beyond the smart phones. It is possible that Android can be used to create a new breed of television sets and offer home automation systems. At a touch of a screen, magic could happen.

A few months ago, Eric Schmidt of Google stated a very interesting idea. According to Schmidt, Android, a popular mobile platform, has potential to go beyond the smart phones. It is possible that Android can be used to create a new breed of television sets and offer home automation systems. At a touch of a screen, magic could happen. While the idea is very plausible, we have to embrace the fact that Android is still tightly knit to the mobile phone industry and the appeal of taking Android training courses is definitely attractive for those who would like to explore the application’s full potential.
So what is the future of Android?

The power of the technology has become greatly embedded to our lives and it is something that we have come to embrace in the last few years. Nowadays, plans to expand the scope of influence of Android pushes more people to take advantage of Android training. If this said platform can really go beyond mobile, why shouldn’t you learn the concepts and become your very own innovator? A lot of amazing things can be done with Android as some have already presented in the past. However, this is not the first time that we have seen such cross overs happen in the world of software and application development.

The appeal of Java

Though Java has its downfalls, it is still one of the most popular programming languages to learn. Java training is still very popular among young and professional developers and it is still one of the most versatile languages to have in your armada of programming languages. Like the stated “future” of Android, Java has already crossed over to a wide variety of platforms and is widely used by web designers, computer programmers and other experts. Java training is also very rich and you can start from a basic training module and become certified as an expert.

Android at the moment

We all know that Android is at direct competition with iOS from Apple. Let’s face it: Apple will still have a massive following and so developing apps for the iOS will continue to grow. However, Android has done something that others were not able to do: be a true competitor to the iOS. Now, even if Android did not win the hearts of all, it did shake up iOS and so it is not anymore the centre of the world. With the continuous expansion of the platforms, time can only tell who will remain the strongest. Thus, it is ideal to take time to get Android training courses to gain some insights.

Android has definitely won the world and now, developers love Android because it is open enough that it allows third party innovations. Also, it is free. There is also a great potential for development. That is why developers are urged to take Android training courses because there is great potential that you can find a lot of uses and innovations. With Android training courses, you can expand your working portfolio.

Expand your application development portfolio. Our website is your resource for Java training http://www.magnatraining.com/java-training as well as Android Training http://www.magnatraining.com/android-training courses to keep you abreast about everything software related.