PAT, an acronym for portable appliances testing, is the colloquial name given to a process that technically entails inspecting and testing of in-use electrical equipment. This means that the basic purpose of PAT testing Leeds is to test electrical equipment for adjudging its safety and viability and follow up the first test with several follow-up assessments. A household appliance that passes this test is declared as being safe for use while one that fails is subjected to repairs.

PAT, an acronym for portable appliances testing, is the colloquial name given to a process that technically entails inspecting and testing of in-use electrical equipment. This means that the basic purpose of PAT testing Leeds is to test electrical equipment for adjudging its safety and viability and follow up the first test with several follow-up assessments. A household appliance that passes this test is declared as being safe for use while one that fails is subjected to repairs. Given its impact on public health, conducting this test is mandatory for all electrical contractors Leeds and there is legislation in place that even specifies intervals for carrying it out.

As per the law, there are four situations wherein electrical contractors Leeds are required to carry out PAT testing Leeds, the first amongst which entails testing of an appliance to check whether it conforms to the set standards. When an electrical appliance is tested during its production phase, meaning before it is released into the market, the procedure is known as production calibration. Likewise testing an appliance during its functional phase is referred to as in-service testing and depending on the result the next stage, namely post-repair testing, is carried out wherein the appliance is subjected to tests till it is graded as being safe.

PAT testing Leeds can be conducted by devices that range from simple pass-fail gadgets to more complex versions. While the former does not require any expertise for being used, the latter should be handled only by experienced electrical contractors Leeds after having acquired comprehensive training pertaining to the same. In the event of using simple devices for testing, all that the tester is required to do is check whether the appliance in question has passed or failed the test, print the result and tag it on the machine. Advanced devices are capable of providing more comprehensive information like lead polarity, RCD and fuse.

Another factor that plays a seminal role in PAT testing Leeds is the class which the electrical appliance belongs to since the intensity of the test is based on this classification. All electrical items are broadly categorized into classes 1, 2 and 3 as per their layer of insulation wherein class 1 has a single layer, class 2 has two layers and class 3 is characterized by extremely low voltage. Under the circumstances, the onus is on electrical contractors Leeds to first determine the class of the appliance and then subject it to a test. The significance of this knowledge lies in the fact that wrong identification of class would give faulty result with a PAT test.

Frequency of conducting PAT testing Leeds is another aspect that comes into play and while there are regulations in place, much of the testing depends on the individual choice of the agency in question. Duration for repeating the test varies as per the nature of the building while for a construction site it is slated at three months, schools and hotels and shops can afford to wait for as long as two years to take the test. Similarly, electrical contractors Leeds follow a certain sequence of testing wherein they commence with stationary equipment followed by IT, portable and hand-held gadgets.

If you own a portable appliance that runs on electricity then subjecting it to  PAT testing Leeds  is a responsibility that you must never overlook. There are several aspects to this test and for efficient results calling upon experienced  electrical contractors Leeds  is one of the best ways of gaining cognizance.