DUI and DWI are very common legal terms in case of road accidents. While DUI stands for Driving Under Influence, DWI is slightly different as Driving While Intoxicated. Even though both sounds very similar, the state law differentiates both in a very subtle manner. Based upon the jurisdiction of the state you are subjected to, the terms are charged upon drivers who are drunken or impaired in some way. In United States, some provinces prefer to call it DWI, while others refer to the state as DUI. However, this arises the question of DUI vs DWI in the minds.
DUI and DWI are very common legal terms in case of road accidents. While DUI stands for Driving Under Influence, DWI is slightly different as Driving While Intoxicated. Even though both sounds very similar, the state law differentiates both in a very subtle manner. Based upon the jurisdiction of the state you are subjected to, the terms are charged upon drivers who are drunken or impaired in some way. In United States, some provinces prefer to call it DWI, while others refer to the state as DUI. However, this arises the question of DUI vs DWI in the minds. The real difference between DUI and DWI is understandable only in states where both the terms are used.
In such places, the police force calls a driver driving under the influence of alcohol as a case of DWI, while in DUI cases, the driver can be under the influence of either drugs or alcohol. However, in either cases, the officer is entitled to take it for granted that the driver is mentally and physically unstable and incapacitated to drive a vehicle, without running the risk. Hence, the only point where the difference between DUI and DWI does not exist is that both the actions are treated to be legally offensive. Thus, the officer has the authority to give the concerned driver a ticket, or incarcerate them.
As legal parameters differ with states, in some places of United States where jurisdiction is stern, the drivers are charged with a case of DUI, even when the required concentration level of alcohol in the blood is not met. In other places, offenders are left uncharged, if the required parameters are not met. Thus, DUI vs DWI is of little concern if you are on the other side of the law. Both the cases are legally chargable that can lead to penalty payments or even serving a sentence in jail for the slated period of time. The only meaningful difference between DUI and DWI is that those under alcohol are less serious cases that DUI.
In case of medical emergency, drivers are taken to the near by clinic or hospital for immediate medical treatment. Once they restore back to health, they are asked to attend a court hearing on the case. However, if your rash act hasn’t injured you or anybody else for that matter, then you can go free by paying a spot fine or serve your period in jail. DUI vs DWI should be introspected if you care to learn about the punishments given to the offender. It can be finally deduced that the difference between DUI and DWI is non-existent as both are illegal acts in the eyes of law and are absolutely punishable.
Do you want to learn all about the difference between DUI and DWI http://www.dwidui.org ? We are an online platform offering solutions to queries about DUI vs DWI http://www.dwidui.org free of cost.