With the economy still flat many consumers still want to make the most of their income. Shopping for online car insurance is one way consumers can get a great deal by comparing on line quotes. Price remains to be the major reason consumers shop for car insurance online. This combined with an increasing trend for internet use means more and more individuals are likely to look for online car insurance.
With the economy still flat many consumers still want to make the most of their income. Shopping for online car insurance is one way consumers can get a great deal by comparing on line quotes. Price remains to be the major reason consumers shop for car insurance online. This combined with an increasing trend for internet use means more and more individuals are likely to look for online car insurance.
The advantages of going online to shop for car insurance are many. Perhaps the most beneficial reason is the ability to compare quotes from different companies, and then get the best deal on line for car insurance. Quotes generated can be saved for later reference.
Convenience is another reason to shop for online car insurance. You can look at your own pace be able to make an informed decision on purchasing based on the quotes you have received. In additional shopping online means you do not have to pay an agents commission, and so you are more likely to find a competitive online car insurance quote. Remember to shop often for car insurance online. Rates change and you never know if you will find a better online car insurance rate than the last time you looked on line.
Elephant, founded in 2009, is a newly-formed direct to consumer car insurance company. The company encourages a climate of individual contribution, long-term commitment and profitable growth and believes people who like what they do, do it better. Located in Richmond, VA, Elephant Insurance Services, LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Admiral Group, PLC. More information is available at www.elephant.com.
CONTACT: Greg Minkler, Marketing Manager
804.955.1700, ext. 2073