Toronto, Canada – GAO Comm ( recommends its TDR cable fault locator which utilizes pulse reflection and intelligent bridge technologies. This locator is well suited for field technicians to accurately locate breaks, shorts, poor electric insulation and other faults of various telephone cables, RF cables and coaxial cables.

Toronto, Canada – GAO Comm ( recommends its TDR cable fault locator which utilizes pulse reflection and intelligent bridge technologies. This locator is well suited for field technicians to accurately locate breaks, shorts, poor electric insulation and other faults of various telephone cables, RF cables and coaxial cables.

This TDR cable fault locator, model A0080002, features full automatic and manual testing functions, automatic balance and gain adjustment and a testing dead zone of 0 m. Utilizing bridge testing, it offers a full testing length of 9999 m. The TDR cable fault locator also has the functions of a megohmeter and an ohmmeter. It offers a poor insulation resistance testing of 0 to 30 MΩ and a pulse width of 60 ns to 10 μs.
Using pulse reflection testing methods, the cable fault locator provides a wide full-automatic measurement range of 0 to 8 km and offers testing accuracy of 1 m for measurement ranges of less than 2 km and 8 m for measurement ranges of more than 2 km. This cable fault locator is able to store ten test waveforms. Also, it is equipped with a large LCD screen with backlight for clear display of results.
This TDR cable fault locator belongs to GAO's family of Telecom Line Testers. Another two featured products is included in this line. One is TDR Cable Fault Locator which integrates an OTDR, megohmmeter, ohmmeter and automatic bridge into one unit and is ideal for localization of breaks, shorts, poor electric insulation and other faults of various telephone cables, RF cables and coaxial cables. The other is Compact Telecom Line Tester which incorporates the functions of a telephone set, a circuit performance tester and a security tester and makes it a comprehensive device for detecting line errors.

For sales inquiries please contact:
1-877 585-9555 ext. 601 – Toll Free (USA & Canada)
1-416 292-0038 ext. 601 – All Other Areas
[email protected]

About GAO Comm
GAO Comm Inc. ( is a well-known supplier of optical and electrical equipment and test instruments which are widely used in Telecommunications, CATV, Power industry and for Science and Research.