PRESS RELEASE: Richardson, TX, 12-NOVEMBER-2013 – Richardson East Pharmacy is pleased to announce that prescription medicine is available from the on-site <a href="">Richardson Compounding Pharmacist</a> in a convenient location here. When special compounds are needed, whatever the reason, the knowledgeable pharmacist has the skills and ingredients to provide the solutions. The pharmacy also provides standard prescriptions for local customers.
PRESS RELEASE: Richardson, TX, 12-NOVEMBER-2013 – Richardson East Pharmacy is pleased to announce that prescription medicine is available from the on-site <a href="">Richardson Compounding Pharmacist</a> in a convenient location here. When special compounds are needed, whatever the reason, the knowledgeable pharmacist has the skills and ingredients to provide the solutions. The pharmacy also provides standard prescriptions for local customers.
The Richardson compounding pharmacist representative spoke to an interviewer recently, "When you are ill or in pain, you want fast response for your prescription medications. This affects everything from getting the information from the medical professional to ringing up your purchase at our point-of-sale locations. We try to get your medicine to you in the least possible amount of time, so that it can go to work relieving pain. When you need pain or illness relief, you don't feel like spending time in the waiting area, or walking around the aisles."
He continues, "Prompt distribution of your prescription doesn't mean we rush through the process of filling the medication requirements for you. We are aware of the importance of accuracy in your purchases. We just streamline the processes to ensure the shortest possible wait for you."
The pharmacy offers other services and benefits to local residents. Senior citizens get an automatic ten percent reduction on prices. The business rewards those who transfer a prescription from other pharmacies because it actively is pursuing new business. Delivery to individuals who live within three miles of the pharmacy is free. Wellness products, natural medicine and therapies form a significant aspect of the inventory.
As the name indicates, the pharmacist offers compounding services for customers. These products are precisely formulated medications on-site. They are suitable when the standard mixture or dosage is not appropriate or available for the customer.
Learn more about the prescription services of a compounding pharmacist by visiting the links at <a href=""></a> today. Members of the press and individuals who have further questions about the services or the contents of this press release are urged to use the contact information which is listed below.
Company Name: Richardson East Pharmacy
Address: 189 N. Plano Road #120, Richardson, TX 75081
Contact Telephone Number: (972) 234-4668
Email: [email protected]