Many people know that Persian rugs are the best options they can use when they want to decorate their home, but not all of them know where to find such items. This happens because there are many vendors who are selling Persian rugs they bought from an industrial manufacturer and this is not the sort of quality you want to use in your home.


Many people know that Persian rugs are the best options they can use when they want to decorate their home, but not all of them know where to find such items. This happens because there are many vendors who are selling Persian rugs they bought from an industrial manufacturer and this is not the sort of quality you want to use in your home.


Kilim rugs are one of the best options you can go for. They are made by hand from start to finish, they look amazing and these are the ones that will make your house stand out. If you want to choose your vendor, you have to pick the one that imports them from countries in Central Asia or in other parts that will help keep the tradition alive as well.


At the origins, Kilim rugs were meant for decoration, but some used them as a prayer rug. Nobody used them to cover the floors in a house, but people have thought about this in western homes. If you want to use such a piece in your living room as well, you have to find a source you can trust to provide the original items you are looking for.


One of the things you have to know about Kilim rugs is that they are not the same as pile rugs. They are thinner than the others and the weaving technique used for them is found in tapestries, since this is the goal they were intended for at their origin. The result they get at the end of the process is going to take your breath away as soon as you see it.


If you will place such a Persian rug on the floor, you have to use the same motifs on other items as well. If you want to focus on the couch, you have to know the Persians do not make furniture like you want it, but they can offer the right upholstery fabrics to create a cover for it. This will serve the same purpose and it will look amazing as well.


Even if the design of the upholstery fabrics may not be the same as the one you will find in the rugs, you can take the time to find the ones that use the same color scheme. A small difference in design will actually make the house look better, but you should not combine different colors since this will ruin your effort of decorating a home properly.


If you want to know where you will find a source you can trust for the original rugs and upholstery fabrics, the first site you have to visit is the one of This is where you will find a wide range of options you can use to decorate your home and all the items you can purchase here are imported from different countries in Central Asia.

 Kilim rugs  are one of the best options you can use when you want to add an Asian touch to your home, but the floors are not the only ones you have to focus on. If you want to use the same motifs and color scheme in the furniture, the  upholstery fabrics  are going to help you with it and the site named before can provide all the options you are interested in.