Midlothian, VA, January 26, 2012 — National Association of Construction Auditors (NACA) (http://www.thenaca.org) joined the ConsensusDOCS coalition (http://www.ConsensusDOCS.org.) ConsensusDOCS produces best practice contracts for the design and construction industries.
Midlothian, VA, January 26, 2012 — National Association of Construction Auditors (NACA) (http://www.thenaca.org) joined the ConsensusDOCS coalition (http://www.ConsensusDOCS.org.) ConsensusDOCS produces best practice contracts for the design and construction industries.
“The ConsensusDOCS principles of including all industry stakeholders align well with NACA’s mission of providing resources, information and leadership to ensure the highest standard of construction controls possible,” states Brian D. Felix, CCA, CIA, CFE, Chairman and founder of the NACA. “ConsensusDOCS’ fair and balanced contracts advance the design and construction industry, foster a better process, and help ensure better project results. We encourage those in the design and construction industries to utilize these documents.”
ConsensusDOCS are the only contracts endorsed by over 35 leading design and construction industry organizations. Offering a catalog of 90+ contract documents addressing all methods of project delivery, ConsensusDOCS incorporate fair risk allocation and best practices to represent the project’s best interests. Coalition members represent Design Professionals, Owners, Contractors, Subcontractors and Sureties (DOCS). For more information, please visit http://www.ConsensusDOCS.org or call 1-866-925-DOCS (3627).
As stated on their website (http://www.thenaca.org), the NACA mission is to unite those individuals and be recognized as the authority on construction project controls. “Our vision,” explains Brian Felix “is to bring all the project team members together to exchange knowledge and ideas to improve the overall control environment for the Owners, delivering them greater value.”
The NACA grants the designation of Certified Construction Auditor (CCA) and Construction Control Professional (CCP) to the individuals with the expertise in these areas. The National Association of Construction Auditors is committed to providing resources, information, and leadership for NACA members, their clients, and the public to ensure the highest standard of construction controls possible.
For a limited period of time, the National Association of Construction Auditors (NACA) is currently accepting applications under the grandfathering provision for the Certified Construction Auditor (CCA) and Construction Control Professional (CCP) designations, setting the standard in these fields (http://www.thenaca.org). The provisions are a point-based system based upon education, training, and experience.
The National Association of Construction Auditors' inaugural Annual Conference was a huge success!
Over 160 attendees participating in sessions related to the control environment of construction projects, fraud, government contracting, and ethics. Attendees represented a wide variety of firms in the construction, auditing, and accounting industries.
For those interested in purchasing copies of the 19 presentations from the 2011 NACA Conference, go to the website’s (http://www.thenaca.org) PAYMENT page and click on “NACA 2011 Conference Materials $295”.
NACA/ConsensusDOCS Media Contacts:
Brian Felix, National Association of Construction Auditors (NACA), 804-608-8703, bdfelix(at)thenaca(dot)org
Brian Turmail, The Associated General Contractors of America (AGC), 703-837-5310, turmailb(at)agc(dot)org
David Mendes, American Subcontractors Association (ASA), 703-684-3450 x 1335, dmendes(at)asa-hq(dot)com
Kathy Hoffman, National Association of Surety Bond Producers (NASBP), 202-464-1175, khoffman(at)nasbp(dot)org
Brian Felix
Midlothian, VA
[email protected]