Scottsdale, AZ – January 5, 2012 – Today, The Rich Dad Company, which provides financial literacy information via the latest technology, books, events, and more at, announced that co-founder Robert Kiyosaki won the “Go Banking Rates Most Popular Finance Expert of 2011, 12 Days of Finance Poll,” at, by 41.65%, or 4,239 votes.

Scottsdale, AZ – January 5, 2012 – Today, The Rich Dad Company, which provides financial literacy information via the latest technology, books, events, and more at, announced that co-founder Robert Kiyosaki won the “Go Banking Rates Most Popular Finance Expert of 2011, 12 Days of Finance Poll,” at, by 41.65%, or 4,239 votes.

“After 31 days of voting, Go Banking Rates readers have voiced their opinions, and we heard them loud and clear,” states the Go Banking Rates site. “Our 12 Days of Finance poll included some of the biggest names in financial expertise, as well as a few underdogs, but the fans ultimately chose Robert Kiyosaki as the most popular finance expert of 2011. Kiyosaki, synonymous with the “Rich Dad” empire, should be proud to have such a loyal–and expansive–following. Claiming close to 42 percent of the votes, Robert Kiyosaki was the clear winner.”

During the month of December 2011, Go Banking Rates allowed worldwide readers to vote online for their favorite, finance expert and voice their opinions. The financial experts included Robert Kiyosaki, Suze Orman, Dave Ramsey, Ramit Sethi, Stacey Johnson, David Bach, Jeff Yeager, Warren Buffett, David and Tom Gardner, Ric Edelman, Liz Pulliam Weston, and Clark Howard.

“At The Rich Dad Company, we are always looking for new ways to share financial education information via the latest technology, books, events, social media, and more,” states Robert Kiyosaki, author of the number one personal, finance book of all time, “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” educational entrepreneur and investor. “It is an honor to win the Most Popular Finance Expert of 2011 Award and see that our hard work is helping an international audience increase their financial literacy and be more successful. Thank you.”

Comments on Kiyosaki’s Entry and Financial Literacy Information


“Mr. Robert Kiyosaki enlightened me with his easy and simple to understand financial education. I am so grateful and I thank him.” Alwed E.


“I love his simple approach of making complicating financial terms simple. Where layman can understand and apply.” Bellum Tan, Singapore City


“Robert is one of those rare people that appears every century, and make a huge contribution, and the world never is the same again. Thank you for awaking the spirit of entrepreneur.” Marco Mora


“Robert Kiyosaki [says the truth]!! All we need is financial education to be rich!!” Veronica Gomez Garcia, San Juan, Puerto Rico


For more information on increasing financial literacy and joining the Rich Dad Community, visit


About The Rich Dad Company

Our company was founded in 1997 based on Robert Kiyosaki’s best-selling personal finance book, “Rich Dad Poor Dad.” While his poor dad’s outlook closed his mind to the possibility of financial freedom, his best friend’s rich dad elevated Robert’s dreams, opened his mind to life's possibilities and allowed him to be financially free. Today, Robert and his team of experts provide financial education via books, seminars, videos, coaching, social media, innovative technology, and the board and Web game, CASHFLOW®, based on Robert’s belief that people learn best through simulation. Our mantra is “Knowledge: the New Money.” Everything we do has one common goal: to increase your financial knowledge and help you live the rich life. Discover how we can help you on your journey towards a rich life at or call us at 800-308-3585.


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Media Contact: Melanie Rembrandt, Rembrandt Communications®, [email protected], 800-PR1-0116